Interview with Bal Thackeray on Slum Rehabilitation
Director: Ralli Jacob, Rafeeq Ellias, P.K. Das; Cinematographer: Rafeeq Ellias
Duration: 00:03:28; Aspect Ratio: 1.366:1; Hue: 24.892; Saturation: 0.159; Lightness: 0.138; Volume: 0.061; Cuts per Minute: 1.441; Words per Minute: 99.685
Summary: Shiv Sena leader Bal Thackeray hard sells his proposal of slum rehabilitation scheme whereby there would be no discrimination in provisioning of housing and would restrict the profits of the developers.

Bal Thackeray
slum rehabilitation scheme

Bal Thackeray interview
Bal Thackeray interview
BT: Well, I have already said in the beginning that our scheme has nothing to do with casteism, religion or anything. The poor ones who are living in the hutments are human beings whether they belong to this caste or that caste; how we are concerned? We are here to give better housing to poor ones and that too human beings. So it will not hamper anything, I mean this kind of a thing at all. They have a right because they are citizens of this country, whether he is going to be a muslim or a christian, they have been living here for generations. The question never arises and I don't think my policy will actually have any kind of an impact, or a bad thing on that kind of a... understanding, or a scheme.
Bal Thackeray interview
Bal Thackeray interview
Bal Thackeray interview

BT: There is lot of difference between a profit and a profit... their profit and our profit. This is 100% sure that the government will never give you good housing, and someone is going to give you, see free housing...and little
'takka' (percent, profit) he takes. If their profit is going to be 100% and if this man is going to have just 15%, why you should worry about that? Just 15%...the difference between 100% and 15%, just imagine! Are you not going to tolerate that kind of thing?

BT: Then, the poor people are not going to get anything. Today you cannot buy a flat, you see, according to the prevalent rates going today in Mumbai, it is very difficult. And here we are with a scheme, with all the details, necessary details with the government. We are just asking for a land and try, give us just one chance, an opportunity to start with a pilot scheme as I have said in the beginning. Just if we do not succeed then just forget it. But if we succeed, then? And someone is getting 100% profit, we are going to have 15%. I think one should understand that and tolerate it, to see that the poor ones are benefited that's all. requires JavaScript.