Art Karavan International: PATNA 7
Duration: 00:56:43; Aspect Ratio: 1.778:1; Hue: 19.181; Saturation: 0.095; Lightness: 0.655; Volume: 0.073; Cuts per Minute: 3.226
Summary: Group at College of Art Patna, initiated by Marisa. Performance by Beatrice Didier - Hugging to peopleOndi Nursed a puppy in Patna, but ironically bitten by another in Delhi while helping him. calling Crows, by Pinaki - His vocal cards create a sound which attracts large number of crows. Body ( artist himself ) as part of the garbage in college of art premise. 20 odd participants moving in a single line with faces painted with white color

Group at College of Art Patna, initiated by Marisa
Patna, Bihar


Long shot of college of arts and crafts

Talking to rickshaw driver

Low angle of Mahavir Mandir Patna tilt down to people

Beatrice Didier - Hugging to people

Temple shot tilt down to god statue

Out side temple men are sailing garland

Beatrice Didier - Hugging to people

Beatrice Didier doing god darshan

People outside temple

Ondi Nursed a puppy in Patna, but ironically bitten by another in Delhi while helping him

calling Crows, by Pinaki - His vocal cards create a sound which attracts large number of crows

Body ( artist himself ) as part of the garbage in collge of art premise

Preparation for performance

20 odd participants moving in a single line with faces painted with white color. Mixed with audience at the railway station, with spoons containing rice. All the participants moved slowly towards a point where they collectively created a uniuqe sound
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