La Réunion: La Possession To St Denis
Duration: 03:30:33; Aspect Ratio: 1.778:1; Hue: 86.467; Saturation: 0.031; Lightness: 0.017; Volume: 0.372; Cuts per Minute: 5.229
Summary: La Reunion footage and clips, Roads Project.

clear images
graffitti towards end

La Possession to St Denis Front Mounted in Traffic



2016-08-02_051309_GOPR0308 La Possession to St Denis MOrning Sunrise Helicopter Pt 1.MP4

2016-08-02_052203_GP010308 Traffic into Possession Pt 1.MP4

2016-08-02_053057_GP020308 Traffic into Possession Pt 2 (on the way to the archives).MP4

2016-08-02_053950_GP030308 Traffic into St Denis Pt 3 (on the way to archives).MP4

2016-08-03_102412_GOPR0309 La Possession Early afternoon.MP4
bright afternoon
clean image
not much traffic

2016-08-03_103306_GP010309 La Possession to St Denis pt 3.MP4
Sunset to the west of Reunion

2016-08-03_125642_GOPR0311 La Possession to St Denis Pt 2.MP4
Sunset to the west of Reunion

2016-08-03_130536_GP010311 Tunnel into St Denis.MP4
good in tunnel

2016-08-08_052346_GOPR0989 Footage La Possession to St Denis morning central reservation detail.MP4
crisp images of Californian wall
strong horizintal lines

2016-08-09_044019_GOPR0998 La Possession to St Denis early morning rain gopro front low 1080 narrow.MP4
Rocks and Sea La Possession Sunset

2016-08-09_045209_GP010998 Part II.MP4
Rocks and Sea La Possession Sunset

2016-08-10_054856_GOPR1000 La Possession to St Denis 1080 narrow low to the right.MP4

2016-08-10_060704_GOPR1001 into St Denis traffic.MP4

2016-08-11_055637_GOPR1006 La possession to st denis morning traffic bonnet mounted.MP4

2016-08-11_060827_GP011006 La possession to st denis morning traffic bonnet mounted part 2 ambulance.MP4


high frame rate

Californian wall
very still shots of metal cages with rocks

2016-08-23_052617_GOPR4243 La Possession to St Denis low side 180 120fps looking seaward.MP4
waves and repetitive patterns on the concrete - USE

2016-08-23_053510_GP014243 La Possession to St Denis low side 180 120fps part 2.MP4
light better towards end

120fps - USE
2016-08-24_052353_GOPR4245 La Possession to St Denis Roof mounted cliff facing 1080 120 fps narrow.MP4
good cliff detail
perspective truck at @ 22.30

2016-08-24_053246_GP014245 La Possession to St Denis Roof mounted cliff facing 1080 120 fps narrow.MP4
ravine detail

2016-08-28_141923_GP015424 La Possession to St Denis afternoon - bad shadows.MP4
bad shadows
good slow traffic at the end requires JavaScript.