19: A14 Kollimalai and Kovai
Director: Saeed Mirza; Cinematographer: Rajendra Jangle
Duration: 01:11:53; Aspect Ratio: 1.366:1; Hue: 44.662; Saturation: 0.092; Lightness: 0.379; Volume: 0.105; Cuts per Minute: 5.105
Summary: 6th May -Kollimala - Song, interview and ambience. 7th May - Kovai (Coimbatore) - Tamil ritual dance. Laxmi machine and factory

LS of women walking with tea leaf sacks on head
Tamil Nadu

Zoom into houses

LS of Kotas house

CU of temple

Kotas walking 1

Kotas walking 2

Man walking

Labourers walking in line

R-L CU of faces/R-L pan (song Mr. Kaman)

Ambience + 2nd song Kaman + women +children

Unit with Kotas

Children milling around

Close up of roof rain drop tilt up to pan and tilt down to children , cloae up of faces

Unit with Kotas

Shot of women and children

Sumit talking to men in group

Children walking left to right pan

Close up of mother with her child, Tilt down to other girl and tilt up to mother with her child

TCR Break
Saeed's cut with K. Kambattam

Woman close up faces

Right to left pan to girl with small baby, following to other woman with her child passing right to left pan


Left to right pan to hill

Left to right pan to hill 2

Left to right pan with hills in

LS of tempo at village. Top angle from hill

Women tea pickers1

Women tea pickers 2 with tilt down

Women tea pickers. Tilt down zoom out

Women labourers digging tilt up to vegetation 1

Man carrying load, Women digging 2

L-R pan of beans

L-R pan of carrot

L-R pan of Cabbage

TCR Break

Tamil ritual on the road

Tamil ceremony (continue) Man beating rope


Tamil women dancing(continue)

Travel shot from sumo of ceremony going on

LMW inside smelting factory molten metal

Assembly parts

Top angle of unit inside factory

Top angle of ceiling zoom out to man operating. zoom in. 2 times

Overhead crane moving forward. Sumit with handicam on it. low angle

CU of drilling machine. zoom out to man operating zoom in. 2 times

Unit in factory

Handheld. workers + Saeed+ Sumit

Saeed talking with Natrajan + unit walking with employees Scate board track L-R

Scate board track R-L

Near the model machine. Mr Sundaram explains description/ working/ export etc to Saeed

Pilot mill. man talking with Sumit. CU of machine man checking machine

R-L pan machine 1

R-L pan machine 2

R-L pan machine 3

Tape End
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