Director: Cobrapost
Duration: 01:15:52; Aspect Ratio: 1.333:1; Hue: 10.737; Saturation: 0.210; Lightness: 0.310; Volume: 0.288; Cuts per Minute: 16.315; Words per Minute: 158.429
Summary: This video is a compilation of the stings conducted on several Aadhar officers. This also contains the voice over narration by Cobrapost explaining the drawbacks of the system in place to issues Aadhar cards

VO: 1.2 billion people

VO: Rs. 18,000 Cr

VO: One identity

VO: And this time the development vision goes much farther than the collecting corruptible fingerprints

VO: It has been underlying that the game changing UID is a platform that will transform not only authentication but also everything from government payments to financial inclusion

VO: The basis or the Aadhar of this identification method is the retina of the eye in conjunction with the fingerprints

VO: A definitely innovative use of technology in the direction of apparent public interest for a country that is known for breeding IT skills for export into foreign markets

VO: It is also a gutsy move to embrace a practice that has already been strongly discredited in the US and the UK

VO: When the players involved are the NDA, the planning commission and a software mogul harboring political ambitions, there is apparently no need for a public debate on the matter

VO: Rs. 18,000 Cr for a debt ridden Indian economy it's apparently a poultry stuff

VO: While the theory and intent behind Aadhar is an ongoing debate, Cobra Post has turned its lens on the process of data collection for UID

VO: Unique Identification Authority of India has set up franchises with several organizations for gathering the requisite data from India residents

VO: This has led to a proliferation of makeshift offices, where applicants line up for their UIDs

VO: These set-ups are manned by officials who seem to be running a parallel business of their own

VO: The business of manufacturing the prerequisite data, thus challenging the very foundation of Aadhar

VO: Cobrapost Correspondent Muhammad Hizbullah poses as a benefactor of refugees from Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan, and meets with the officials in charge at Aadhar application booths

VO: He tells them that the applicant has no identification papers to start with, no proof of identity and no proof of address

VO: Is there anyway in which some proof of identification can be created so the applicant can get an Aadhar card?

VO: Turns out, the answer is resounding yes

VO: Cobrapost discovered that a number of these officials have already established an arrangement with gazetted officers and local MLAs

VO: This arrangement is triggered every time an applicant approaches them for an Aadhar card without any preexisting proof of identity

VO: Unaware of the hidden camera some of these officials candidly admit that this arrangement helps a number of immigrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and other illegal residents

VO: Of course the help has a price tag attached to it. The price ranges from a couple hundreds to a couple of thousands rupees

VO: In some cases, disregard for protocol merges with the illegal. The officials themselves have multiple cards and offer to do the same for the applicants

VO: They even offer to generate Aadhar cards without the applicants physical presence.

VO: Just a photograph is all it takes

VO: At other times the officials offer to carry the entire Aadhar kit to the distance of the applicants to suit its convenience

VO: Watch the following case studies to witness the chaotic drama that plays out in these makeshift Aadhar offices

VO: There seems to be a shady nexus between these Aadhar officials, gazetted officers and their local MLAs

VO: Akin to fly by night stores stalking smuggled goods, these outfits sell you identities

VO: You will just not see a 'For Sale' sign here, but rest assured that if you can haggle with the shopkeepers you are in for a steal

VO: You are watching a Cobrapost exclusive

VO: If there are those who have put a high price to the risk, there are others like Farmaan Ali who are willing to charge less from a poor applicant

VO: For our Aadhar officer at the SDM's office in Kashmiri gate, the greed lies in getting a proof of identification for anyone in need

VO: Our reporter approaches him through an assistant

R: Arre Bhaiya, to tell you the truth he is not from here, he is a refugee residing here

A: Okay

R: So he does not have anything, its a simple thing

A: Okay, it will be done

A: You would know how it will cost

R: What?

A: Pay whatever you see fit

S: Tell us, what is there to be shy of

R: It is not about payment, what will you take. You will get our documents and all done right?

A: I will do all that. I will get all the documents done by myself.

R: So it is your responsibility right?
A: Yes

R: We just have to come, get our photo clicked and give the fingerprint

A: Tell me if you want to get it clicked now

A: If you want to get clicked now it can be done

R: He also has a wife. We will get her along so that both of them will get done

S: We have been struggling, that's the problem. Let me tell you now itself

A: We will get it done. 'You are struggling'. Only the strugglers come here. Whoever comes here has a struggle

R: Okay, so you have done it for all the strugglers, we are are also struggling, get it done for us too

A: Okay, it will be done. I will tell you when you come next.

R: Tell me anyway. Basically, these people are from Bangladesh. They are refugees

A: For this, I will have to ask my sir. [long pause] Will have to ask sir

R: So get us to talk to your sir once

VO: This Aadhar official gives a new meaning to human kindness

VO: He fully understands that refugees are at huge disadvantage for lack of essential identification

VO: He tells the reporter, "We will get it done. 'You are struggling'. Only the strugglers come here. Whoever comes here has a struggle"

A: If there are only two people, so it does not matter if it is two or three

FA: You can pay per head. 1,000 for one person, if you want it for two it will be 2,000.

R: 1,000 for one person and it will be done? When?

FA: Will call you and inform. Will tell the sir. Sir has to be paid as well

FA: The money you pay goes right up through our sir

R: So when you do it you send money right till the top?

FA: Proof is needed. Proof cannot be scanned

S: It is all in your hands

FA: Arre, I am going to put my thumb impression itself

R: What I am trying to say is, these things you do for those who have document

FA: ...the money goes everywhere

R: Money goes everywhere?

R: So these people have no documents, it can be done right? Aadhar card will be done right?

FA: We will do it

R: You guys make it anyway. Make two more as well

FA: If you end up in the court tomorrow, everything can be figured out from a machine. where you got it done, who got it done, which date it was done, how it was made, when and how it was done.

FA: What you had submitted.

FA: Auntiji! Auntyji, he is having lunch...he has not called you.. it is written outside...

FA: So from machine everything can be revealed. Even the makers name is listed. Who was at the center at that time. Other such case has already come

R: There has been such a case already?

FA: There have been some. People have come and told that they done (phala) for their neighbors and they did something

S: They told us it is being done, so we have come here to get it done

VO: Farmaan Ali is not a small time fraud who is unaware of the gravity of his fraudulent activity

VO: He lists out the risk involved. In his words, 'If you end up in the court tomorrow, everything can be figured out from a machine. where you got it done, who got it done, which date it was done, when and how it was done.Other such case has already come'

VO: Fair enough, Cobrapost reporter pays him a visit two days later

As is the case with a seasoned conman, Farmaan Ali is circumspect

FA: There is not issue to get it done. But if you could show me once where they are put up,

FA: I will be confident from my end

R: We stay at Church Mission Road

FA: Let me see the place. I was thinking about it yesterday, it was Sunday a holiday and took the time from 9-10. If I go there and meet once

FA: And if I feel they are poor, I can do it for less also, even if it is about Bangladesh.

FA: I mean, let me inspect it personally. What happens is, you know me

FA: You know that I work here. You know where I am. Now, where you come from, where do you live

FA: There is this little tension
R: That's true

FA: Now I don't now how many people live in Delhi. So if a little trust is built, I can do it. No problem

R: That makes sense. See it for yourself, there's no issue.

FA: I will do it, that one. Be it one, two, 100, 1000... we make 100 genuine ones in a day and can do otherwise for 10 people too

R: Do it like you do it for everyone else. You must have done it earlier too, no?

FA: No, It has been done earlier, but have not done for those from Bangladesh.

R: But you have done it for those without documents?

FA: We do it, but we know them from their reference....like my uncle comes along with someone

R: Right

FA: Or, I see that this person has lived in a place since childhood, I will do it

VO: No problem. Whatever Farmaan Ali says makes a lot of sense.

VO: We are not surprised when he himself claims, 'we make 100 genuine ones in a day and can do otherwise for 10 people too'.

VO: In other words, this Aadhar center alone generates 10% fake identities

FA: [Say] someone has an urgent train to catch to Orissa and has no proof card. He will be willing to spend even Rs. 3,000 to get his work done.

FA: 'I have a friend and uncle in the govt office'. We don't believe in such govt employees. It's a good thing that you came to meet directly.

FA: If you show me where the person stays, I will have some trust. I will do it. There is no problem. And if I feel like, I will do it for cheap also. There is no such thing

R: Okay, so you want to see that the person is living there

FA: Ya, I will have some satisfaction and I will do it

R: You only want to see that he lives there, right?
FA: Ya

R: S: Okay, that is not an issue.
FA: If I am taking any risk, let me be cautious from my end right?

FA: The matter is, if I am doing it for a illegal person, I need to be careful about future while doing it

FA: If we do something drastically wrong and get caught then we will lose our job, which is our livelihood

FA: ...as a operator or as as.. if this exists

R: There are some 3-4 of you, right?

FA: Yes, 3-4. If we are doing this and we keep doing it right, only then will we be able to continue.

FA: That's how we get work for 2 people... Like you have come... Otherwise how will we work?

R: See, they have nothing, nothing at all. So if they get Aadhar card, slowly they can get everything done

FA: Arre, we will get it done
R: Indians

FA: We get PAN card done, identification letters done

R: Will you do all that?

FA: I do only Aadhar card, whoever does PAN card I inform them. I have nothing to do with it. I will put a word to my boss

FA: when it is for someone's good, there is nothing for me to lose. Nor do we have any greed. Our greed is that their Aadhar card gets done, that's it

FA: The one who makes PAN card, it is his job to make the PAN cards

VO: For Farmaan Ali the interest lies in making an Aadhar card for anyone in need

VO: It is a different matter it they are made illegally.

VO: If you do not have any identity and want to also get an Aadhar card made, he is your man

VO: It is up to you to get the best out of them now

VO: This is the SDM office in Karol Bagh in the capital

VO: Pay close attention, because here is a microcosm of all that is unique about UIDAI and we promise you a humdinger of a ride around this

VO: And your guide for the day, ladies and gentlemen is this first Aadhar officer you are likely to meet in this supremely buzzing office

R: Is this [the office of] Aadhaar?
Yes, this is it

R: Is threre Aadhar card here? Where is the Aadhaar card being made?

M (Mohit): ID proof

R: Want to get Aadhar for him
M: ID proof

R: [We] don't have

M: It cannot be done without ID

S: See if something can work out

M: Where are you from? What's the address?
S: Yes?

M: Address?

S: I'm from Kasabpura

M: You have no ID proof at all?

R: No

S: See if you can do something

M: We need an ID proof, be it from any place

S: Bhai sahab, if I had one, I would have given it. It was never done for me and nobody got it done for me

M: What do you do?

S: I am in a service job nearby

VO: The officer must have a sense of purpose only we fail to see it much later

VO: Having been directed to our extremely busy officer's deputy, our Cobrapost team introduces it predicament.

No ID, No documents. Add to that the status of a Bangladeshi refugee. Can an Aadhar card be issued?

R: He doesn't have any Indian ID. He is a refugee

A (Aditya): Refugee?

S: It has been many years. I have been living here for 10-15 years

A: I am also a refugee, bhai

S: Where are you from?

A: I don't know that, but my grandparents were telling me

R: These people are refugees here

A: We have been here for about 35 years, some 35-40 years

S: We have been here for 10,12 years

R: They are from outside, from Bangladesh

A: It will be done

R: So if there is nothing at all, how much will we have to pay?

A: See, when it is without an ID, you know that there are lots of problems. Everything has to done carefully

A: A letterhead will be made for you from our company. I will get it done

R: Okay

A: That will cost some money

R: What will the letterhead have?

A: The letterhead will be from our company. It will have your name and our company's

A: It will have my signature, my heads signature and his signature

R: Who is he?

A: SDM, it will be in front

A: Because we work under him. That is one. There will be 3 signatures and a letterhead. That will cost money

A: Plus the person who makes it without an ID, will charge. That money will be deducted from company

A: Because we cannot talk to the company directly. The company is based in Bangalore

A: It is not from here [Delhi], so money gets deducted. In all it will cost a thousand per person

VO: Aditya breaks down the commercials of manufacturing proof of residence and presence, a verbal invoice

VO: The total amount including all kickbacks adds up to Rs. 1000

VO: Aditya informs the applicants, 'In all it will cost a thousand rupees'

VO: But that is only part of the exercise, because there are more entries in the itemised list which become even more important during the time of elections

A: What I am trying to tell you is, your address proof is taken care and we have our MLA here

A: through whom we get things done. Since elections are around he needs people

A: We go through him. For example, if an ID is from outside of Delhi,

A: Once we get his letterhead, we get it done. There is a compromise

R: Of those 4 people...

A: We have a good link with him
R: So it's a compromise

A: We get a letterhead from him.

R: Who is this MLA?

A: MLA, we can do it from anyone. There are several; Lata Sodi is there, Virendra Babbar is there. Then there is Ratawal. Anyone will do, Ratawal is a big person.

R: Whom do you do it from?

A: We get it done from anyone depending on the nearest area

A: Like, for your Paharganj, the area nearby has Veerendra Babbar, Lata Sodi

A: Whoever lies nearby we speak to them, because we have all their numbers

R: It will be done?
A: It will be done

R: And they will do it?

A: Sir, that is what I am telling you. They have link with us and we have link with them

R: ...because there is regular work...

A: Because there is regular work. They also get it done now. They come from here. They are in a high post

A: We make it from him. He signs on it. My name is written on the back

A: My name is Aditya, my name is written as a reference. And it gets done

VO: MLA's need money during election times so clearly, all illegalities are excused

VO: These MLA's and the Aadhar form a mutually symbiotic relationship which thrives on the project of generating unique IDs for all Indians

VO: Like Aditya says, 'They have link with us and we have link with them'

VO: He further describes the dynamics involved in these shady linkages

A: If it is done without ID, the way it works is sir writes on a letterhead and so does a MLA. The ID is from here (sir) and the address from there (MLA)

A: All these people sitting here... they are brothers

R: So they write it?

A: They don't write it but we use their references... we have our references and request them

R: And take money.

A: That boy who is there, Sir does not take it. You have to talk to that boy, he will do it if he can

A: Or, like there is the minister Harish, on his letterhead we can do it. His PA ..

..he takes money and does it. In this sometimes, sir is there, sometimes he is not. Getting written is the problem

R: Yaar, we don't have any document. You have your headache..

A: You will need to give a photograph.

R: Photograph plus, you will have to pay a thousand rupees per case, right?

A: Photograph, and I will give you a letter to sign on. That is the letterhead I make

S: We will sign on it, no worries

A: Because we will have your address with letterhead

S: We don't know how you will put the address

A: Then I will do the letterhead, it is my problem

A: Your work will get done, because it is us who verifies the documents base. We will have to struggle to get the documents done

VO: Since the Aadhar officers are in-charge of verifying your identity, they might as well manufacture your identity

VO: All it takes is a little money and identity manufacturing is automated to clockwork precision

VO: Remember our officer from curtain raising. Now you know why he deserves his little rest after the busy day

VO: He has insured that he along with his team of MLA's and other Aadhar officers is gainfully employed

VO: Being the officers in-charge at this center he gives a green signal to the process of manufacturing an identity for his refugee applicant

R: On his ID, [we] need to get and UID Aadhar done

R: They do not have anything, nothing at all, documents etc.

R: We spoke to him, he said you pay Rs. 1000 per case and we will get all the documents done

M: We will get the document done

R: You will do..so it will get done, there is no issues right?

M: This person will give me the documents and I will do it

R: Okay, he will do the document and give it to you

R: There are no issue right, since he is from outside

M: If there are issues, we will give it to whatever address you give

R: So I can be carefree?
M: Yes

VO: If for nothing else Aadhar should be applauded for generating a unique parallel economy where MLAs and Aadhar officers florish

VO: A unique identity for Indian citizens is a secondary matter

VO: In a small center for Aadhar cards bustling with commotion in New Seelampur, in the capital Asif Chaudhary the person in-charge is a small time party worker of the NCP and has cracked the formula for generating his own side business

A (Asif): You tell me now

R: Actually we want to get an Aadhar card done for him, he has nothing

A: He doesn't have anything? That will be Rs. 500

R: He is basically from outside. He is not from India

A: Yes, we will do it

O (Other): I have to make it for one for my boy. There are no proofs

A: That will be Rs. 500

O: I mean, I am talking about the boy

A: It is needed for everyone, anyone who has it.

O: In Delhi itself, it is going on in a few places

A: It might be going on but nothing will be done without proof. We will need to make proofs

A: And when they will make proofs, they will charge something for it. Our charges are fixed at Rs. 200 and the one who makes it takes Rs. 300

A: It is not going on any more. Forget it. Remember that it is not being made anymore

A: Earlier it was being done free of cost. Now it costs Rs. 200

R: Oh, so you charge Rs. 200 to make it

A: For every person

S: If there are documents, Rs.200
A: Rs. 200

S: Without documents?
A: Rs. 500

R: It is going on for free everywhere

A: It is not happening anymore. That's over. Now it's privatized

OP: Like in our village...

R: You... oh, so you are not working for Aadhar

A: No, no. We are private. We are a franchise

VO: Chaudhary is running a franchise to make Aadhar cards

VO: Whether or not it has something to do with the UIDAI is not important, but the sharing of money is clean

VO: Asif tell us 'without proof we cannot do, we will have to create proof. And the person who makes proof will charge something. We are fixed at Rs. 200, and the one who makes will take Rs. 300'

S: See, I am telling the truth. If I wanted to lie, I could have said anything. I stay in Delhi

A: No, yours will be done

S: Without this, it won't be made...

A: If you are saying this... now that you have told the truth

R: We have told the truth

A: People are bothered because of frauds

R: So I told you, right? I knew that there is no point in lying

A: That's okay, you can check it out and submit it soon. I will also call up non ID IO specially and tell him

R: There is no point in lying, that's why I told you in the begining that he is from Bangladesh. And his [card] has to be done

A: It will done through the office directly

R: So how much will it cost?

A: Pay as you feel right

R: No you tell me

A: Arre give as you feel right... like I said

R: So we have to give 500?

O: Give Rs. 500. You don't have to give anything. It will be done

R: So I won't need to get anything, no documents? The rest is all your headache

VO: Chaudhary's franchise almost resembles the road side dhaba with a very limited menu to choose from

VO: No documents, Rs. 500. Some documents Rs. 200. The choice is yours

VO: Here is another Aadhar officer sitting in front of a laptop in the DC office in Gurgaon

VO: Our reporter inquires about the odds of getting an Aadhar card made without any documents from him

VO: The Aadhar officer follows the textbook

R: Arre yaar, we have to make an Aadhar Card

Ra (Rahul): Yes

R: Bhaisaab

Ra: Bhai, I have seen to it, told him he is from Nepal

R: Bhaisaab is refusing, he says that he won't do it. One of our friends has already done it from here

Ra: Bhai, Nepal won't work out. India will.

R: Arre he must not have mentioned that he was from Nepal. He hadn't submitted anything

R: I told everything honestly

Ra: Bhai, he is from Nepal. It will be 5000. See it

R: 5000 for one?

Ra: No, one for you and your wife

VO: Alright. So our Aadhar officer initially says, 'Bhai, Nepal won't work, India will do'

VO: He is right in refusing. May be he understands the value of an identity proof in India

VO: Good thing. But hang on. Our man himself says,'Bhai. If it is from Nepal, see it will be 5000'

VO: All be it, for our applicant and his wife

R: So you will do two for 5,000? He doesn't have much. He earns about Rs. 8000 in a garments shop

Ra: Bhai, he is from Nepal. You can see he is not from India

R: Okay. So we don't have any documents

Ra: Yes, but I will make it... the documents

Other (0): Giving application

Ra: One photo

Ra: Address

R: You will make the documents and all?

Ra: That I will do

R: We will bring nothing and we will only get our photo clicked

Ra: Photo

R: Only to get photo clicked... Please reduce the cost a bit

Ra: See how we can work it out

VO: Quoting a meager salary of Rs. 8000 our applicant haggles for a rebate

VO: Nothing doing, the Aadhar officer is adamant at Rs. 5000

VO: After all, the Aadhar card is for a Nepali and not an Indian

R: Bhai, he earns about Rs. 8000 as salary. If I give you 5000...

O: It's back here?

Ra: Yes, you go from here...

O: I have to go out?

Ra: Think about it. You are getting an Indian ID.

R: That is true, an Indian ID is being made...

R: An Indian ID is being made but isn't 5000 a bit much? Hm?

Ra: Give 100-200 less, what else can be done?

R: Take 3000. Hm?

Ra: 4

R: Not 4000
Unknown Person: Not 4000

R: You will take 4000?

VO: Okay, a change of heart. And our Aadhar officer has settled for Rs. 4000. Heartening empathy displayed by the Aadhar officer for the applicant who earns a pittance

VO: However, that does not mean the Aadhar officer will compromise on the quality of his con-job

VO: He reassures the applicant, 'Like we do for the original, yours will also be same'

R: What documents will you use?

Ra: Me?
R: yes

Ra: Leave that to me

R: Still. We won't be in trouble, right?
Ra: No

R: That will definitely be original, right?

Ra: Like original. The way everyone gets it done, you will also get it

R: Will we get a receipt?

Ra: You will get receipt

R: Tomorrow itself we will get? When we make it?

Ra: You get the receipt when you click the photo

R: After getting the receipt, the original won't be rejected, right?

Ra: No

R: Definitely?
Ra: Definitely

R: Does it get rejected later after you submit the documents?

Ra: No. When there are problems in photo or fingerprint then it is rejected or when a duplicate is made

R: When the documents are not adequate, that doesn't get rejected?

Ra: it does not get rejected by document. That is what we submit ourselves

R: So you will make it and submit
Ra: Yes

R: So how much will you charge? Please tell me...

R: If someone asks me how much we paid, what do I tell him?

Ra: Why will anyone ask you?

R: Nobody will ask?

Ra: Nobody will ask you

R: The bosses won't ask if there is an investigation?
Ra: Ra: No. The investigations in this... no one will ask

Ra: I will put it in as I see fit
R: Okay

Ra: Look at how many IDs...

R: You must have done this earlier. Do it the same way now. Okay? What?
Ra: Hmm

R: So you will charge Rs. 4000 for two Aadhar cards without documents. Okay?

You are asking for Rs. 4000. We will see to reducing the rest. Okay?

Ra: Okay

R: So when do I come?

Ra: Whenever you want to

R: I will come in the evening or tomorrow. Will it be open tomorrow? It's Saturday
Ra: It's open

R: Okay. Your name, brother?

Ra: Rahul
R: Okay

VO: Our Aadhar officer is hardly bothered when he would come

VO: Clearly, identity is not important as long as it brings them the money

VO: It's a bazaar where the goods for sale are Aadhar cards. Help yourself and haggle away

VO: You have no proof of residence, no problem. No proof of identity, no problem

VO: You are a foreign national, well, you are welcome too

VO: UIDAI, is ready generous and it is giving away Aadhar cards to one and all

VO: Meet Kapil at the Dilshad Colony Aadhar center in North East Delhi. And make sure, your wallet has a Rs. 1000 to spend

K (Kapil): So here you have no proof

R: No. I have no proofs

S: Everyone has got it done in the village, only I am left to get the UID card

S: It has been 2-3 months after my brother's marriage, we hadn't paid any attention. Now we have to make ration cards

Other Person (O): Fill up a form...

S: Everyone has one including my uncle

K: I'm not saying no. It will be done

S: Everyone has one...

K: Tell me the number

R: How much do we have to pay?

K: [gestures] One thousand

R: How much?
K: [gestures] One thousand

R: One thousand? ...It will be done, right? Will there be any problems? Which documents will you submit?

K: We will take care of that

R: I mean, we won't face any problems, no? You will manage everything. And one..

S: After how many days will it be done?

K: Within 15 days
S: K: Within 15 days?

K: Yes, within 15 days

R: It shouldn't be a problem for us later

K: No. You will go away... You get this UID on an enrollment number

R: I didn't understand that

K: Like here's your enrollment number

K: You will get it only after your Aadhar card is done. We give it to you instantly

R: So you will give the slip immediately? That means that the card is done

K: Aadhar card is done. You can make any ID based on the slip

R: So we can do anything with it

K: You can do anything with the slip

R: Once we get the slip, that means we can do anything?

K: You can do anything.

S: Okay. Will that work for a ration card?

K: Why will it not work in ration card?

R: It will work everywhere

K: It will work everywhere. You will get Aadhar card within 15 days

R: There one more case. My brother is not here but I have his photo. Can you still make it?

S: He has a brother who has gone to Bhopal for work

K: Then...bring it here. We will check it out

K: We will check in front of the camera whether it works

S: You want clear, clean, no?

K: If it is clear...

R: I have bought his photo. Should I show it now?

K: Even he will come with you, right?

R: Arre check it out. We will know whether it works or not

K: We will deny him...

VO: So pay a thousand bucks and get an identity and an Aadhar number. The additional perk you will get is that you get your enrollment number right away, while the rest of the naive world has to wait for 15 days

VO: Kapil tells his applicant, 'You will get this when Aadhar card is done. You will get it in office when it is done. We will give it instantly'

VO: And if you desire some more perks, such as sending your photograph to represent yourself instead of making a physical appearance. Well, shove in a few more thousands in your wallet

K: It will be done

R: It will be done through photos? There will be no problems, right? And fingerprints?

K: I will get it done

R: Oh, you will use yours?

K: Not mine but someone else's.
R: Hm?

K: Will get it from Someone else

R: So you will use someone else's fingerprint
K: Yes

R: It will not be a problem in the future?
K: No

K: Only a number is needed. Nothing else is needed

R: How much do we have to pay for it? Will it be done in Rs. 500?

K: No, [gestures] Rs. 1000

R: Oh, so one thousand separately
K: [nods]

VO: Kapil has just demolished the fundamental principals of biometric identification that forms the basis of Aadhar

VO: Just give him a photograph and he will add the biometric data on his own and issue you your unique identity

VO: And the cost of all this drama is a poultry Rs. 1000

VO: Are you shocked? Well we are just amused at how Kapil has inadvertently generated a new formula for double role, nay multiple role scripts for Bollywood

VO: The SDM Office at Laxminagar in the capital is full of commotion. Our team manages to approach a person who looks like an Aadhar officer

VO: Aryan immediately puts across a price for getting an Aadhar card made

Ar (Aryan): We are charging Rs. 1460 here

R: You charge 1460 to get it done?

Ar: For 1 ID

R: You will make it?

Ar: I will do it immediately, the slip. After one month, you will get the card here

R: We have to make it for two... for two people

Ar: I have told you the rate for one... I just made 4 [cards] without ID for uncleji. That's our job, so I am telling you

R: So you are not from Aadhaar?

Ar: I am from Aadhaar. We get some commission. I mean...

R: Aadhaar has given this job to your company?

Ar: Yes, all the data. Here, nobody makes without an ID

Ar: What we do is, we have a few guys at sales office in Bangalore. I had made my Aadhaar card from Bangalore. My card was cancelled thrice. I went to Bangalore and made my Aadhaar

Then I took a contract from Bangalore. It has been 3 years now

R: So they make an exception for you?

Ar: My job is public dealing. Tech support and public dealing

R:So here, you look after the documents and everything
Ar: I overlook those

S: So everything is in your hands

Ar: Public deling, tech support...

S: So what you get is on the side. The company pays you on the side

Ar: We don't get money

S: Do you get that?
R: You must be salaried, right?

Ar: We are on a contract
R: Some NGO must have been given the contract

Ar: Suppose you get the contract. You will employ 50 boys. Some are getting Rs. 50,000, some Rs. 40,000, some Rs. 70,000,

Ar: ...the one who supervises everything gets paid Rs. 80,000...

Ar: That's how it is with me. I look after the public dealing and tech support. My wages are different

S: Please reduce the cost. I have two

Ar: Tell me and I will do it. I already told you, there are many people here including brokers

S: Take 2000 for two
Ar: Ha?

S: 2000 for two

VO: Aryan claims he has three Aadhar cards. He shall charge you Rs. 1460 for one card

VO: He says with confidence, 'I have told you for one, I have done 4 [cards] without ID. This is our job'

VO: We are impressed and shocked

Ar: There are different charges for those with a photo
S: How?

Ar: You see the fingerprints here? That I will have to do through biometric in Bangalore

Ar: You will have to give me your photo, name, address

You will give me his photo and also send one on my mail id

R: Okay. How will that work?

Ar: That's from biometric

Ar: The photo that you will send me on my mail, I will scan it and put it on the slip along with your name, address, as you give...

R: How will you do the fingerprints?

Ar: What?
R: How will you do the fingerprints and all?

Ar: We might have to take fingerprints through biometric if you can't come at all

R: What do you mean by 'biometric'?

Ar: Our machine also has biometric fingerprint

R: No, but whose fingerprint will be used? Yours or mine?

Ar: That's a biometric fingerprint, from the machine

R: Something the machine has...

Ar: Hm. Our biometric fingerprints are at Bangalore. Ever heard of people having 2-3 Aadhaar cards?

R: Yes

Ar: I am the only person to have three Aadhaar cards

R: Even I know many people who have 2-2 Aadhaar

Ar: [Nodding] Yes

Ar: If you show me 3 Aadhaar on one name and address...

R: I know a person with two Aadhaar

Ar: If it is through only one fingerprint, I will appreciate

R: Yes, I know two such people

R: Can you please explain what is biometric?

Ar: In our computer, there is a biometric machine for the eyes. Fingers, eyes, everything is biometric

Ar: If there is any problem in a person's hand or his hand is injured, how will the fingerprints work? That has been done in biometric

R: So the UID has done it, the company

Ar: We don't use it on anyone. We use it in exceptional cases. We are forbidden from doing that

S: It is banned?
Ar: Yes, it is forbidden

S: If we give the photo, it will be done, right? There won't be any problems?

Ar: That I will do

S: Will it be genuine?

Ar: You have trust in me

VO: Aryan seems to have worked out an ingenious model, he has even found a way to dodge the biometrics

VO: He claims that the Unique ID Authority of India, keeps a bank of fake fingerprints and a retina scan can be done by providing a passport size photograph

VO: So, if you have no proof of identity and you want to avoid submitting your biometrics, no sweat, contact Aryan and send him Rs. 1460 our passport size picture, correct spelling of the name and address you want printed, and your Aadhar card will reach your house

VO: This is the technology at its best. Is Nandan Nilekeni listening?

VO: For now, listen in to another official at the same center

R: Bhai sahab, even he is from UID

LB (LB Paswan): Let me tell you he is not from UID. Don't take my name

Distnat voice: Whats the last number?
LB: It's 87

R: Tell me the last number

LB: 88, wait

R: Give a pen

R: So where is he from?

LB: He is a broker, do you get it. He flips from one head to another, that's his job. (He fools people)

VO: This has to be the promo line of this documentary

VO: Paswan tells our reporter that Aryan is a super wheeler dealer

VO: In his words, 'Iski topi uske sar, uski topi iske sar, yahi kaam hai' (He flips from one head to another, that's his job)

VO: Looks like Aryan has just turned the national identity project into a second hand goods market

VO: And Paswan is open to haggling

LB: What else brother

R: He has nothing. He is from outside

LB: Where is he from? What's your name? Tell me first

S: My name is Rahul

LB: You must have something

S: Sir I have nothing

R: Actually, bhai, this is a Pakistani Hindu who has migrated

LB: That's the biggest problem

R: I am telling you a straight fact

LB: Don't mind me saying this but I am asking for it (the ID) because there is a lot of problems with Mohammadans.

S: But I am a Hindu from Pakistan

LB: I'm just saying. That's why I said 'Don't mind'

S: It has been 8-10 years for me here

R: He had migrated... identifying himself as a Pakistani Hindu. He doesn't have anything [ID], he is here with his wife.

S: My wife is pregnant. I have a job here

LB: So how much is he asking for? Is he asking for 2000?

S: Yes, he is asking for 2000

LB: He is asking for a lot

S: So you please do it

LB: Is he asking for 2000 per head?

R: Yes, 2000 for one

S: He was telling us a lot of ways. We are not understanding it

R: He was saying, 900 goes here, 300 there

S: The one who does it

LB: No, he does pay us

R: He pays you?

LB: Our charge is 1000 for without ID. I am telling you, don't mention it to anyone outside

S: No no, this is between us

LB: 1000 rupees. The entire thing

VO: Paswan tells our reporter that Aryan gives him a 1000 Rupees for every Aadhar card he makes

VO: Aryan is a broker and Paswan the officer

VO: How does it matter if you get an Aadhar card made from a broker or an Aadhar officer

VO: Both of them make it for a fee. It is for you to decide who is more dependable

LB: Yes, bhai, tell me. Mummy's thing is not done? Papers are not complete? Did you get it written from the MLA?

O (Other Person): He isn't writing

LB: Why won't he write? Tell him that you want to get Aadhaar card. He will write for you

LB: There are two IDs na?
S: Yes, one is my wife.

LB: How many people in total now, tell me..

S: One Me and my wife

R: He will go and get his wife. I have come to speak. He can't speak very well when he has to, so I am here to speak for him

S: What do we have to do?

LB: Do one thing, come tomorrow. Because if we go now then....

S: Okay, I will come tomorrow. Let me know

LB: Come tomorrow. Let me clearly tell you, don't meet him

S: No, I will meet you tomorrow

LB: I'll come to meet you. And, he is asking for 2000 rupees, right?

LB: He is asking 2000 for one? Give 3000 for two and take it right away

R: That's too much

LB: I have told you. Listen to me. I will not make yours here because he will be here. He will tell and no one will make it for you

S: No we [will be] silent, we will come at a time when...

R: Where will you get it made?

LB: Behind. Or get it done here. No problem

S: We will sit here quietly, you can do the rest. I will be sitting over there at the back. We will get it on the day we submit papers

LB: Definitely. You can check on the net

R: There won't be any problem right?

LB: No, no..we are sitting here itself

R: But he will become Indian after the ID is made, right?

LB: Yes, but just show me once something at all

R: Bhai, if I had anything, I would have shown it to you beforehand. ...You tell me, if any person had any documents with him, why would he come to you and request in the first place? Why would he spend money?

LB: Fine, whatever you feel like paying me above 2000, give it to me. Okay?

LB: It anyway comes up to 1000 each...I am clearly telling you, whatever you feel like giving above 2000

LB: Whatever it is 2100, 2200 or 2500..anything you feel like giving...I will make it for you here. Sir, listen. Write your name properly..

LB: your address, your date, your phone number and your date of birth, wrtie them right and get it. Tell him not to do it

LB:Okay then. Tomorrow, come at the same time

VO: The Aadhar officer tries to cut a deal with the applicant, 'Whatever you feel like paying me above 2000, give it to me. Okay? Whatever it is 2100, 2200 or 2500..anything you feel like giving'

VO: 'I will make it for you here'

VO: Mohd Anis is the man incharge of this Aadhar center in Dilshad garden in the capital

VO: Our team inquired about possibility of getting an Aadhar card without any documents, Anis reads out from the rule book

S: It's a straight forward thing, let me tell you absolute genuine thing

MA (Mohd Anis): Bring me atleast one document so that I can do something further
S: If we had anything..

R: If I had any, why would I come to you, sir? I would have gone directly

S: In our Nand Nagri, it was being done like this

MA: I know it. Not just Nand Nagri, it is being done in all of Delhi. May it be Delhi North or Delhi central

MA: Every where it is being done. It isn't the matter. But you need to give atleast one document

VO: Fair enough, even if you want the Aadhar officials to help in any legal way, you need some minimum proof of identification

VO: Anis, makes an emphatic attempt to highlight the value of documents and tells his applicant, 'Today, all over India, there is an absolute need for documents'

MA: Tell me one thing, when there is so much value given to documents-

S: We have just come from out of the country
MA: It doesn't matter that you have come from out. Today, all over India, there is an absolute need for documents

R: I have already told you the fact that we are from outside India, right? He has settled here

MA: Yes, it is also the fact that you are from out of the country.

S: Yes, we are from Burma

R: Straightforwad thing is, I am from here...

S: At our place, even Seemapuri has voter...

R: I am from here but he is from outside the country. I am openly telling you the facts

S: You obviously know what has happened in Burma

R: Because if you are doing the work, you must know the truth.

MA: Obviously

R: Yes, it is as simple as that

S: You may know what has happened to Muslims in Burma

MA: I know. All of that keeps happening

S: I am that refugee. Please do this for me. You will be doing me a huge favour

MA: Sit down. Let me see
S: Alright

VO: Well then either the humanitrian part of Anis rears its head for an applicant who is refugee from outside the country or perhaps he generally decides to relax the legal requirements on good day

VO: Mohd Anis, decides to help the applicant with an identity and tells him, 'Sit down, let me see it'

VO: After a little more display of professional ethics, Anis suggests the power that money can weild and the corruption it can engender

VO: He says, 'This is Hindustan'

MA: While monetary favors have their own place, the biggest thing is trust

MA:...The field that I am in today, if I go in the opposite direction, my staff will go before me

MA: What I am saying is, this is Hindustan

MA: You shoot somebody outside, go to a police station and sit...

MA: put your hand in your pocket, put a bundle of 50,000 ...and say that you have come after shooting a man and you don't want to get locked up.

MA: ...But it also isn't like everything must be corruption

S: That is true. Not everything has to be..

MA: Because in the country there is definitely one such person..

S: That fact is true..

Other: What is the last timing for here?

MA: Last timing? I am thinking if this should be done and you're talking about last time

S:[Rozi roti par laat maar rahe ho inki yaar] You are trashing his livelihood

VO: After spectacular display of professional ethics Anis somersaults to a position of complete annihilation of all ethics

VO: When the applicant requests him to consider his case as a last instance of bending the law, Anis tells him, that he has no plans of making it the last case

VO: In his words, 'I am thinking if this should be done and you're talking about last time'

VO: Anis sends his deputy Vijay to take care of the applicant

VO: Clearly, Vijay is fully trained in his business

V (Vijay): So what do you want to give?

S: You tell us whatever you feel like, and we will give it

V: You tell yours

S: We haven't brought the money. We will bring the money and give it to you

V: You tell me how much..
S: You tell us how much you charge, we are not telling you.

V: You do not have even one document?

S: We don't have anything. See, we work in the factory. I work at Mandoli

S: He works at Jhilmil. We do not have anything with us. Our salary is around 5 to 5.5 thousand

V: I will tell one rate, you tell whatever you want to give. 1000 rupees for both of you

R: Both will be done in a 1000 rupees and nothing else we have to give you?

S: Okay, alright

V: Fill the form
S: Okay we will fill the form

VO: Vijay conducts business with Aadhar applicants with the finesse that comes only with practice. He almost reminds us of the boards that read,'fixed price, no bargaining please'

VO: That you find hanging in crowded Delhi markets, which are infamous for their culture of bargaining

VO: Vijay tells his refugee applicant, 'I will tell one rate, you tell whatever you want to give. 1000 rupees for both of you'

VO: One thousand Rupees to create proof of identity for two. Now did the UIDAI bargain for this new business?

VO: If there are those making a quick buckk in the guise of centers in-charge on one hand, there are others like Raj, who are happy with a slow buck

VO: In Nand Nargi in Delhi, Raj is in charge of an Aadhar center in Delhi Nagar Nigam community center

VO: He is surprised when applicant claimed to be a refugee from Nepal wants an Aadhar card made without any proof of identification

S: We have come from outside

Raj: That isn't the thing. Give me some ID.

S: We will pay whatever is needed. I don't have any kind of id whatsoever, which is why I have come. For some kind of identification..

Raj: What?

S: With this, I will get identification documents done. I don't have any proof. I am not from this country

R: Basically we are refugees

S: We are refugees

Raj: Arre no

S: Yes, we've come here from Nepal

Raj: If you have come from Nepal..

R: Arre we have been living here for the past 10 years

Raj: No, no. Get it written from some gazetted officer and I will make it for you

S: I mean, we are here for 10 years

R: Arre, if we knew anyone who could do this for us, why would we come to you?

Raj: That may be true but I cannot help you with this

S: We are ready to pay you what you ask for to help us with this..
Raj: It isn't about paying me anything, sir. It's about rules and regulations

VO: Aadhar may have been intended to be issued according to rules and regulations, but clearly there is no time to check the validity of the requisite documents presented

VO: As long as you get a gazetted officer to stamp your identity documents

VO: Raj tells the applicant, 'Get it written from some gazetted officer and I will make it for you. It isn't about paying me anything, sir. It's about rules and regulations'

VO: And guess what, the officer in-charge of issuing your Aadhar card can even organize a gazetted officer

VO: And Raj is just your man

R: Look, it's quite simple. If you can help us, do so or else refuse to do it. As simple as that

S: Yes, or else we'll see..GTB or something...no tension as such

Raj: You are a residents of Nepal?

S: Yes, from Nepal. A place called Ganga Nagar. Nepal and India are on either side of the border

...Side by side. Like Sundar Nagari and Bhopura

Raj: Do one thing, meet me after lunch, I'll get it done. Get your photographs with you. See, you will have to get it written by a gazetted officer

R: So, it will get done today?

Raj: Yes. I will get it done

Raj: Come by 2 pm. I'll get it written by the gazetted officer through rules and regulations. It will be done. Okay?

R: Okay

Raj: And pay me whatever you think is right

R: But still how much..

Raj: You don't even have to give me anything if you don't want to. There's no problem, why are you fretting..

VO: 'See, you will have to get it written by a gazetted officer.I will get it written from gazetted officer and return '

VO: So much for all the debate and criticism that surrounds the execution of UID project, our enterprising officers in charge can organize an Aadhar card for any person of any nationality in India

VO: This is the DM office in Jaamnagar house on Shahjahan road in New Delhi

VO: The Aadhar officer is a young relaxed person. The Cobrapost team gets in touch with him and a conversation follows

R: He and his wife need to get UID made..Aadhaar..and they don't have any id

RK (R.Kumar): On what address it has to be done?

R: It's a New Delhi address

RK: Whose address is this?

R: It belongs to him. He has rented it

S: It isn't on rent. They are servant quarters

RK: The one who has rented it is not going to object?

S: Others have also made one for themselves

RK: It isn't like that. If there is an objection, then there will be a problem

R: No, no. There will not be an objection. The post master will receive it after chatting

RK: No, If it goes to you directly, people ask how you have got it made directly..if there is questioning..

S: The others have got it done

R: That's his headache na. How he decides to receive it or not receive it from the postmaster

S: Since the others have had it made as well, that is why I have come to you

R: But they do not have documents or anything

RK: Understood. Tell me what to do..

R: You tell us what we should do

RK: No, it will be better if you speak first before I say anything...you first

R: Arre no. You see..

S: It will be done?

RK: It will be

R: It will be done, right. All the documents that are necessary are not with us. But you'll take care of it right?

RK: Yeah, I will take care of it

R: How much money will it take?

RK: 2 to 2.5

RK: 2 to 2.5

R: 2..?

R: 2 to 2.5 thousand?

RK: Somewhere in between

R: Between 2 to 2.5? For both of them? So both will be done for 2.5 thousand?

RK: Yes

R: Isn't that a bit much?

RK: You reduce it a little then. Tell me then, how much..?

R: Give us the same rate you have given for those who came to you before us

RK: If I get caught, all 7000 rupees of my salary will be stopped

R: How much?

RK: 7000 rupees salary will be taken away. I will be taking a risk for the month

RK: So tell me one last time how much will you pay. I will take it into consideration

R: No, No. What I am saying that you people have made it for 700 here..

RK: There isn't anyone like that. The earlier person might have done, I don't know..

S: There is this neighbour..where I live now..

RK: Rest you tell me then what will you give?

R: People have gotten it done at 700 here

RK: No one's made it for that much. If you want to get it done for 500 rupees, I'll get it done. You tell me

RK: If you want to get it done now, I'll get it done. Or you can get it done tomorrow

R: So, if we want to get it done today, we'll get the receipt today?

RK: Yes, you'll get it right away

R: What documents will you attach?

RK: Leave that to me. It will be done and given in your hands, I give you that much guarantee. Within 15 to 20 days, it will be generated on the net

R: And three months to be delivered at home?

RK: It won't come at home. If you take it from the internet, it will be valid then too. The unique id number is on there too

R: Okay, so three months at home

VO: Ravindra Kumar says he would charge anything between Rs. 2000 to Rs. 2500

VO: He is not willing to negotiate. 'On getting caught, all Rs. 7000 salary will be suspended'

VO: But our man does not have any identity documents. How does one work around that?

VO: Ravindra Kumar promptly replies, 'Leave that to me. It will be done and given in your hands, I give you that much guarantee'

RK: Do you remember the address to which this must be made?

S: I will get it written

RK: Give me the address, I will get the documents made. And get a photo of yours and your wife

R: Do you remember the address? Or will you write and get it on Monday?

S: I'll get it with me on Monday morning

RK: I'll get it done by an MLA or the municipal corporation. Definitely, I'll get the job done. Don't worry

R: Definitely all the work will be done right?

RK: Yes, with guarantee, yaar

VO: The identity document to be used would be an affidavit

VO: As Ravindra Kumar says, 'Give me the address, I will get the documents made. I'll get it done by an MLA or the municipal corporation. Definitely, I'll get the job done. Don't worry'

VO: It is just a matter of time before lid is blown and this nexus between Aadhar officials and the local netas is exposed

VO: Our team makes it way to the SDM office in Tis Hazari Courts

VO: The office is buzzing with activity and the reporter approaches a very busy officer

R: Bhaiya tell me how much will it cost?

Sa (Sadam): Talk to me on the phone

R: It will be done right?

Sa: Yes, it will be done. Talk to me on the phone

R: Yaar, actually, he...Bhai, listen to me yaar..

Sa: Haan?

R: He has to go some place. So tell me how much it will cost because if not, we'll adjust this from somewhere else

S: Tell us..

Sa: I already told you. Now you can see I am..

R: How much time will it take?

Sa: Haan?

R: How much will it take? We don't have any documents

Sa: Come, I'll tell you right away

VO: All our initial efforts to make Sadam speak on camera have met with reluctance

VO: He constantly indicates to our team to speak on the phone

VO: After a patient wait the team manages to get Sadam's attention

R: One thousand rupees for one

Sa: Hmm...

R: There are two

Sa: Let me talk to him..

R: Talk to us itself

Sa: From where?

R: We have to go get it also...

R: From...

R: I will have to arrange the money. Actually he is a peon in my office, so that's why I told him that let's get it done. He is a peon in my office.

Sa: In which?

R: In Noida call centre

Sa: You work in a call center?

R: Yes. So he said sir please get this done for me. I know he is a good chap. I said I'll take him along

R: ...Nothing else. These people are refugees. So they don't have anything here..no documents. But Aadhaar-

Sa: So then how did they come here?

R: They just came. Anything happens in India

Sa: Speak to him

R: You only tell us, yaar, what's the problem? If you tell us, what is going to happen?

Sa: Never mind

R: Arre, you tell us

Sa: Speak to him

R: Alright I will speak to him. You tell me, I am sitting with you. Arre one minute come here..I don't know what it is...

R: He is saying he will get it done but he is asking me to speak to you

O (Other man): I told you what is to be done..

R: Arre yaar, reduce the amount a little..

O: Tell me then because two people are sittting by.. in the line. Send them on Sunday

R: 1500 for two?

O: Right

R: Bhai has said 1500 for two. You will get all the document work done

Sa: Hmm..

R: We will not get anything. We'll bring it on Monday. Okay right? The rest you see to it

In how many days will the Aadhaar arrive?

Sa: 3 months

R: In three months at home?

Sa: It comes home via post and if not then a message will arrive on your net..phone. And then it will be generated by that time

O: He will get it done...definitely he will get it done properly

R: And how many days will it come on the net?

Sa: Whenever it arrives on the mobile, it will be generated on the net

R: Oh so as soon as it generates, the message arrives on the net?

Sa: Yes. yes

R: You will give us the receipt right?

D: Yes, I will give the receipt to you

R: Chalo, okay then. Documents..Photos will be needed?

D: No, no. Nothing

R: So I just bring the man, then?
Sa: Okay

VO: Rs. 1500 is the price tag for two Aadhar cards

VO: Again, proof of identity id clearly not mandatory

VO: Say hello to identity on sale

VO: Taking the investigation outside the national capital the reporter lands in Bhopal

VO: This is Sajid Ali, who is manning a make shift Aadhar office

VO: When our reporter tells him that the applicant is Bangladeshi, Sajid Ali is at loss a of words

R: Bhai saheb, I want to get Aadhaar card made and I don't have anything with me

Sj (Sajid): You don't have any document ?

R: No, nothing. We are refugees. We live in Aish Bagh, behind the stadium

Sj: You must have some document..

R: I don't have any

Sj: Where are you from?

R: Bangladesh. Don't have any documents here and have to get Aadhar made. People that I know have had theirs made from here

...So I have come from far. They said I can get the card made here. Just pay a little amount, whatever is asked for, and the card will be made

Sj: You might have some id of Bangladesh with you?

R: How do I use that id in this country? The day I do, they will drive me away from this country

Sj: Tell me the id. What do you do?

R: I work in a shop here

Sj: What kind of shop?

R: In a clothes shop

Sj: Which one? Here, in New Market? If you don't have any id, then..

R: A fellow got his made from your place without id

Sj: We get it done but-who told you about this?

R: A fellow got it made, Salim, he said go there, give money and I can get it done

Sj: The documents we have to make it, sir...inside we have to bribe some and get the document done

R: So get mine done the same way. Whatever is required, I will see to it

Sj: What is your name?

R: Rashid Ahmed

VO: Clearly Sajid Ali is in the business of generating IDs without any documents

VO: He fully understand the power of money. Sajid Ali tells the reporter, 'The documents we have to make it, sir...inside we have to bribe some and get the document done'

VO: Regardless of the risk involved, Sajid Ali has cracked the business of creating identification

VO: He exercises caution, and keeps his charges as low as Rs. 250

Sj: But, keep this to yourself

R: Obviously, bhai. Why will I get into trouble myself?

Sj: Keep this to yourself and it will be done

R: So, I don't have to give you any documents, you will take care of everything

Sj: Alright. Or else I will get a gazetted officer to sign it and saying that you are in relation and get it made

R: How much will it cost?
Sj: Haan?

R: How much money will I have to give?

Sj: 250 Rupees

R: In 250 rupees everything will be made? Right now?

Sj: I will give you a paper. Write your name and details in it, give your address here

R: Documents and all you will take care of right? I won't have to do anything?

Sj: Yes, all that we get it and provide

R: I just have to give Rs. 250? So he'll make it or will you?

Sj: It will be done there itself

R: Are you from Aadhaar card or is he?

Sj: Who me? I am in charge here

R: So you are in charge, he is the operator?

Sj: The five of us work, but the thing is, there are a lot of machines I handle four districts. There is Bhopal, then there is Raisen, Chhindwara and Mandla

R: 2 to 4 more IDs need to get this done. It will be done, right? This will remain just among us

Sj: No. See, there was a case in Noida, you must have heard

R: Noida?

Sj: What happened in Noida was that, a fellow made his Aadhaar this way, in relation. But the police came to know and the news channel also came to know

...That is what I am afraid of

R: Arre bhaiya, the day we get caught is the day they send us back. We are more scared

Sj: We do it for our people thinking chalo yaar it will be beneficial for India..but I don't want any trouble there

...That is why I am afraid. I am dong my daily work and earning my livelihood..

R: So you must be under contract right?

Sj: We are based on salary here

R: Which company?


R: The one who does Smart chips..?

Sj: There are smart chips here
R: I was reading in the paper

Sj: The companies working here are Vakrangee smart chip, Atishay info tech and our Netlink is also there. There is Union Bank, Central Bank. This is working through banks

R: Then the gazetted officer will write it for us?
Sj: When I speak to him, he will. I have been in the field for three years now

R: So, you must have gotten it done earlier also

R: So I will get the receipt now? Okay

R: Okay, after how long should I come back?

Sj: The four of you come together

R: Okay. I will call them and make all the four together then, what else. 1000 rupees for four of us

R: ...I will call you and come. Give me your number

Sj: Where do you people live?

R: Aish bagh

Sj: Where in Aish Bagh?

R: Behind the stadium. Give me your number, I shall call and come

Sj: Do one thing..you all live in a room?
R: Yes

Sj: So, I'll come there in the evening. At your room

R: Okay. So when will you make it then?

Sj: I will leave here by 5-5:30. And whenever you get there..

R: When will you make it?

Sj: We'll do it there itself right

R: So, you will come to the room and the machine?

Sj: The machine fits in my bag. Get the print another day from here

R: This is really great. You will come home and make it. You will bring your machine. You live there?

Sj: It is my in-law's place. My grandparents' place is so far

R: Right. Okay, give me your number and I will phone you

Sj: Yes, take it. 8871-but I will tell you first

R: It will stay with me. 8871..?

Sj: 200.. 125

R: 125, What's your name bhai-jaan?

Sj: Sajid

VO: 'We will do it there itself, machine fits into my bag. Get the print another day from here'

VO: Sajid Ali is clearly aware of the risk involved. But in spite of it, his confidence seems routine

VO: Many of us know fraud can be committed with some amount of risk and convenience, but rarely will we find a government mandated officer taking the pains of going to an applicants house to make Aadhar cards

VO: We just hope UIDAI takes some notice of this

VO: Suraj, our Aadhar officer is sitting behind a laptop

VO: Wearing a superman shirt, he appears to be no-nonsense guy

VO: He won't make an Aadhar card without a proof of identity

VO: We are not carrying one either. But can we still get an Aadhar card made?

R: I don't have an ID

Su (Suraj): How can the card be made without the id?

Su: How can the card be made without the id, my friend?

R: See if you can do something

Su: No

R: Hmm..

Su: [nodding] No

R: What?

Su: You need a Voter I card, yaar

R: I don't have one. I need two cards made. For me and my wife

Su: If you could have had me talk to him, I would have got the work done

R: Arre yaar I don't have his number. Tell me. I'll get my wife also

Su: You have no ID at all?

R: I have nothing

Su: Ask him once, how much does he charge..then come here. Because for those without ID we charge 5
R: Hmm?

Su: Rs. 500 for those without ID

R: You'll take 500 rupees and the responsibility of the ID will be yours?

Su: Everything

R: It will be genuine right?

Su: Definitely genuine, yaar. Aadhar card will come to your house and ask him..Ravi..

Su: he has been coming to me ever since I have been in DC office

R: What do you mean by DC office?

Su: Our headquarters is in DC office in Geeta Colony. That's our office

Su: I was there first ...There's a lot of chaos and crowd there. So I came here

R: So you used to make the IDs like this earlier also? Whatever you made you have done them for Rs. 500

Su: [Nodding] Yes

R: Hmm?

R: There are two people who need. Reduce the price a little...

Su: That we will see. Come first at least..

R: So, I'll get my wife and come? When will I get the receipt and all?

Su: You will get the receipt the very next day. Aadhar will come to your home or download it in 50 days

R: Download it in 50 days?

Su: You can download from the net

R: Actually we are refugees. So we don't have anything here

Su: No problem

R: We are from Bangladesh

Su: Don't worry. It will all get done. This is India, yaar. What is not possible here. Everything is possible

R: We have people like you to do it for us. The thing is, you've been making the cards for 500, reduce a little for us

Su: The problem is that this doesn't go into our pockets. The place where we hand in your data, the higher authorities, it goes there. Nothing else

R: Oh so the money goes to the top? Or do you keep all of it?

Su: All of it goes to the top. Only then do we manage to get them done

R: It means all the document all will be done by you, right? We don't have to worry about anything right?

Su: It is not us, it goes further. You don't have to worry regarding regarding this

R: So we just come and get our photo taken and give our thumbprints and you will take care of everything?

VO: Suraj says, 'Rs. 500 for those without ID'. And our reporter asks for a concession, bang comes the reply

VO: 'The problem is that this doesn't go into our pockets. The place where we hand in your data, the higher authorities, it goes there'

R: So when do I come?

Su: Come whenever

R: Shall I come today, then?

Su: Yes, come today

R: I will get the receipt today right?

Su: You will get it tomorrow friend

R: You will print the receipt tomorrow and give me?

Su: Yes

R: Bhaisaab, your name?

Su: Suraj

VO: Suraj's confidence in saying, 'This is India, yaar. What is not possible here.Everything is possible here'

VO: Is not surprising even if you are a Bangaldeshi immigrant

VO: By now you may have realized that the price is just Rs. 500 to avail all subsidies given by the Indian government

VO: It is definitely not a bad deal

VO: Apart from being hilarious, these episodes border on the bizzare

VO: It is amply clear from the randomness of its implementation

VO: It is hard to imagine that a project of this scale does not preclude a feasibility survey of the lay of the land

VO: With contracts awarded to just about any outfit willing to invest in the Aadhar network, the framework put in place for rolling out UID is clearly built on shaky grounds

VO: And the movers and shakers of this frame work, which includes the planning commission are sending out misleading signals

VO: Initially announced as a voluntarily service, it is increasingly being mandated by banks and public sector organizations

VO: Montek Singh Ahluwalia, the deputy chairman of the planning commission, announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos, in 2011

VO: 'We will simply make it compulsory for those benefiting from government programs to register for the UID number

VO: Sure enough that is exactly what is happening. In Maharastra government employees have been ordered to get Aadhar cards so their salaries can be paid into Aadhar accounts

VO: In Delhi, Aadhar is compulsory for marriage registrations

VO: Even before the supreme court had ruled, Rajiv Shukla, Minister of State for Parliamentary affairs and planning said in 2013

VO: 'Aadhar card is not mandatory to avail subsidized facilities being offered by the government'

VO: The IT genius backending the UID echoed the planning commission chairman's sentiments

VO: Saying, 'Yes, Aadhar is voluntary, but the service providers might make is compulsory'

VO: All of this despite the supreme court ruling in September 2013, that unequivocally said,

VO: 'No person should suffer for not getting the Aadhar card in spite of the fact that some authority had issued a circular making it mandatory'

VO: For all the controversies surrounding Aadhar the process of implementation of the project is beyond ridiculant

VO: It is ironical that the project touted as capable of weeding out corruption is actually leading to more corruption in the very face of its implementation

VO: It may just be a matter of time Aadhar to play out its efficacy or the lack of it, in facilitating the stated benefits to the underprivileged and weeding out corruption

VO: For now the chairman of UIDAI has earned himself the privilege of a Congress ticket for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections

VO: Does that explain the hurry and speed at which Aadhar cards are being rolled out

VO: Even if it doesn't the coincidence is far to striking to be ignored
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