1st anniversary of Sawr revolution
Duration: 00:10:01; Aspect Ratio: 1.366:1; Hue: 1.564; Saturation: 0.141; Lightness: 0.355; Volume: 0.111; Cuts per Minute: 21.061; Words per Minute: 53.500
Summary: Date (Afghan Calendar): 1358
Short documentary from 1358 showing celebrations of the first anniversary of the Sawr Revolution. Red everywhere.
Footage Source: Afghan Films 35mm positive
Translated by Rajni Prakash

Great Sawr Revolution's First Anniversary


In the beautiful breeze of spring and pretty flowers in red rows, the capital of Democratic Republic of Afghanistan celebrated Sawr (April) great and glorious Revolution's glorious first anniversary with great glory. This was the revolution that occurred under the guidance of the great leader of people of Afghanistan, General Secretary of the Central Committee of People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, Chairman of Revolutionary Council of Democratic Republic of Afghanistan Noor Mohammad Taraki. People were waiting impatiently for 7th Sawr (27th April) to celebrate the first anniversary of their Khalq Revolution.


Here is the Afghan people's great leader, General Secretary of the Central Committee of People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, Chairman of Revolutionary Council, Noor Mohammad Taraki, coming to the podium prepared for the marchpast celebration of first anniversary of Sawr (April) Revolution, and he starts his revolutionary speech.

In the name of Allah, the merciful and the compassionate. Dear compatriots, strong and brave armed forces, I convey my heartiest congratulations to all of you, my compatriots and all Pashtoon and Balooch brothers, each individual and all courageous officers of armed forces, lieutenants, and soldiers, and all hard working brothers of the region and Asia, Africa, Europe, and America on the occasion of first anniversary of glorious Sawr (April) Revolution.

And I inaugurate this great and auspicious celebration. Our great Khalq's Revolution is not only linked to the hard working people of beloved Afghanistan and Khalq's Armed Forces; but this revolution is also revolution of all workers of the world and various hard working people. Success of great Sawr (April) Revolution which occurred under guidance of People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, valor and efforts of our Khalq's Army, is a pride and success for the entire world of workers.

If in 1911, the great revolution of October 19 rescued the entire world, then our proud Sawr Revolution which has succeeded due to getting inspiration from October revolution has also rescued hard working people all over the world.

Khalq's Army of Afghanistan firmly defends success of people's revolution of Afghanistan. Khalq (Political party also means people) is symbol of new Afghanistan. The word "Khalq" has been written on official emblem of Afghanistan and the center of its eminent and elevated red flag. For the first time, disciplined Army of Khalq of Afghanistan has participated in this glorious ceremony to celebrate first anniversary of great Sawr Revolution.

Armed forces of Khalq of Afghanistan are ready every second and every moment to firmly defend every corner of its soil and success of Sawr Revolution. This anti war Khalq army, will take on every enemy of the country and anyone who has wrong intentions of forcing an attack on soil of Afghanistan, like the force of thunder and destruction.

After the army parade, march of disciplined members of party regions went on with a convoy of a wild row of red flags, which passed before the great leader of people, General Secretary of the Central Committee of People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, Chairman of Revolutionary Council of Democratic Republic of Afghanistan - Noor Mohammad Taraki, with respect, regards, hurrah, applause, revolutionary chorus and excitement mixed with happiness and screams. This is a great example of the unbreakable bonding between people and the party.
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