2nd Anniversary of Sawr Revolution
Duration: 00:06:38; Aspect Ratio: 1.366:1; Hue: 57.823; Saturation: 0.000; Lightness: 0.390; Volume: 0.231; Cuts per Minute: 27.992; Words per Minute: 47.708
Summary: Date: 7th Sawr 1358
Shows the much more subdued celebration of the 2nd anniversary of the Sawr coup, starting with a closed conference and finishing with a parade of the Soviet army through the center of Kabul.
Footage Source: Afghan Films 35mm positive
Original Reel No.: positive reel #1375
Translated by Rajni Prakash

... congratulated the second anniversary of the honorable, victorious Sawr Revolution, on behalf of the Central Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, the Revolutionary Council and the Armed Forces of Afghanistan to Babrak Karmal, the other attendants and compatriots.
The Revolutionary Council, Government of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, officers, soldiers, brave non-commissioned officers of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, our honorable citizens! On behalf of and with the permission from the Central Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, Revolutionary Council, the Government of Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and on the occasion of the national celebration of the second anniversary of the Sawr Revolution, I present to you our revolutionary regards and military salutes.

Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Khalil, the commander of the Central Army Corps, Armed Forces including infantry and motorized units, armoured units, air force and air defense, marched past the Revolutionary Council stand to pay their respects to the head of the Armed Forces in Afghanistan.

Different units of the brave Armed Forces of Afghanistan, these defenders of the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, with their ironclad discipline, and with the powerful strong steps, marched past, and paid tribute to Babrak Karmal and other government and party officials proving their invincible power once more.

The motorized units of Central Army Corps and Police passed one after the other under the military march music and with an iron clad determination in defending the country and the achievements of the glorious Sawr revolution and paid their tribute.

The armored units of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, this arm of brute force against enemies is like a strong and powerful camp that defends the elevated goals of Sawr revolutions.

The fighter jets of the Air Force, these high-flying doves and these protectors of peace and freedom flew past the air space to pay tribute.
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