Red Flag
Duration: 00:18:08; Aspect Ratio: 1.366:1; Hue: 319.855; Saturation: 0.051; Lightness: 0.372; Volume: 0.196; Cuts per Minute: 15.052; Words per Minute: 122.785
Summary: The first flag hoisting ceremony after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, when the Communist Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was set up. The national anthem lyrics were written by Sulaiman Layeq.
Translated by Rajni Prakash

propaganda short

Afghan Films Presents

May The Red Flag of the People of Afghanistan remain Glorious

With the victory of Sawr (April) grand Revolution, Afghanistan, this proud country rediscovered its ancient glory after thousands of years and it took the luminous road of the revolution towards the land of happiness. All this glory and grandeur, all this honor and dignity are the result of the efforts of one man who devoted his noble life to the goals of the nation.

We strongly defend the achievements of Sawr Revolution. Head of the Revolutionary Council

He was the one who founded the chain-breaking People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan; he was the one who brought the modern thoughts for our nation as a souvenir; and he was the one who started the Great Revolution of Sawr under his command and succeeded in the shortest possible time with the lowest casualty possible. This super man of history, leader and teacher of our people is Noor Mohammad Taraki, the Head of the Revolutionary Council and the Prime Minister of Afghanistan; may endless honor be upon him.

Long life and good health for great leader of People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan - Noor Mohammad Taraki.

After the victory of the Grand Revolution of Sawr, it was necessary to raise the first-ever flag of the hard workers of our country. A committee was formed to look into the organisation of this program. The Revolutionary Committee decorated the entire center and the provinces of the country to the best extent possible with their continuous efforts and within the shortest possible time; thereafter red flags and revolutionary slogans were seen everywhere. Every nation of the world has their day of honour, which they celebrate with glory, and grandeur. This is an old tradition of human beings.

The day of the hoisting of the workers' and hard workers' flag of our country is one of those days which had to be commemorated in the most glorious and the most revolutionary way possible. And indeed, the committee in charge has tried its best in celebrating this day. The city of Kabul is getting ready for the celebrations of 27th Mizan, 1357 (19th October, 1978), this golden turning point of our history. 27th Mizan, 1357 (19th October, 1978) at 8:30 a.m. Noor Mohammad Taraki, the Head of the Revolutionary Council, the Prime Minister, and the General Secretary of Central Committee of the PDPA was in attendance at the Eastern courtyard of the Nation's House - where the glorious official celebrations were held - and raised the red, revolutionary flag of Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and received the tribute of the Ceremonial Guard.

The commanders of the Ceremonial units presented their units to the leader of nation of Afghanistan. Our leader observed the Ceremonial units. To the right of the special stand, Mrs. Taraki and members of the Central Committee and Revolutionary Council with their wives, the Deputy Prime Minister of People's Democratic Republic of Korea, corps diplomatic residing in Kabul, were all standing with their wives and were welcoming our leader with their continuous applause.

The General Secretary of Central Committee of the PDPA, Head of the Revolutionary Council and the Prime Minister of Afghanistan gave his speech which was simultaneously broadcast throughout Afghanistan through Radio Afghanistan.

In the name of God, the benevolent, the merciful. I am proud that for the first time in the history of Afghanistan, I am raising the flag of such a people, who are producing all material and immaterial equipment necessary for the life in this country and who make all efforts for prosperity and serendipity of the society. This glorious and magnificent red flag is the symbol of the greatness and pride of these people. These hard working people once again brought about such a revolution in the history of this proud country that as a result the political power from feudal lords and other exploiters came into the hands of laborers, farmers and other hard workers; They could do so under guidance of their powerful party People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan and with the help, chivalry and sacrifice of their ambitious officers of Armed Forces who are members of the party and patriotic. Now we are proud that the government has moved from the class of the exploiters to the class of the people who were being exploited. And in the great name of the same class, I raise this nation's flag which is a strong symbol of this transfer.
The brave and hard working people of Afghanistan will always keep their national and people's red flag raised with chivalry and sacrifice and under this flag they will defend their country's independence and national sovereignty strongly. Dear hard working people of beloved Afghanistan, you build such a society under this national and people's red flag so that all hard working people who live under this are relieved of any kind of political, economic and social oppression and pressure; and everyone should have the full authority to work for building his society as per his talent and society pays him the benefits of his work in accordance to his work.
People of beloved Afghanistan have the strong intention, that under this national and people's red flag, they will eliminate feudal and imperial system in towards bettering their economy and culture. Instead, they will make a system based on social justice, unity and brotherhood. They will eliminate all those avenues where very few people take the benefit of the hard work of a large community and they will have all that they need in life. Our lovely compatriots have strong intentions that under this national and people's red flag, they will dissociate from all those bad elements without any sympathy, which are against the holy religion of Islam and who want to misuse it for the inauspicious intentions of their foreigner masters. They try to cheat on our innocent people and instigate them against a public government.

Subsequently, our leader came to the flag pole; the music band played the national anthem of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan for the first time in an official ceremony.

The first flag hoisting ceremony after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, when the Communist Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was set up. The national anthem lyrics were written by Sulaiman Layeq.
The PDPA is led by Taraki who becomes president.

Become hot, become more hot,
You, the holy sun!
O sun of freedom,
O sun of good fortune.
Our revolutionary homeland
Is now in the hands of the workers.
The legacy of the lions
Now belongs to the peasants.
The age of oppression has elapsed,
The turn of the labourers has come.

Girl Scouts of People's Democratic Republic Association of Women of Afghanistan

Become hot, become more hot,
You, the holy sun!
O sun of freedom,
O sun of good fortune.
Among the nations of the world, we
Want peace and brotherhood.
For the proletariat, we
Demand full freedom.
For them, we demand food,
Housing and clothes.

As the national anthem played, the crimson red flag of our Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was raised in the history-making hands of our leader Noor Mohammad Taraki over the Nation's House. At this point, a squad of jet fighters and helicopters flew in the sky along with our red flag to pay their tribute to our honorable leader, the founder of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, and the leader of grand Sawr Revolution. These are the same jets which destroyed this palace which used to be the citadel of the authoritarian regimes at the time; yet today they crossed over the air space of the Nation's House to pay their tribute. Thus, the day 27th Mizan, 1357 (19th October, 1978) became immortal in the history of our country. At this point, 21 bullets were shot in a customary tradition and a group of children and youngsters sang the People's Democratic anthem. At the same time, with the raising of the flag of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan flag in Kabul, the red, revolutionary flag, the first hard working laborer's flag in Afghanistan was raised against the blue background of the sky and throughout the country after 5000 years.

Then the units of Ceremonial Guards marched past the stand. In this glorious day, all our people in our vast, ancient land cried out their hoorays and applauded merrily. In our country's sky, hundreds, or maybe thousands raised their flags, on towers of sky-high forts, in the cities wrapped in towers and forts, and over the castles of legendary world conquerors. This is the first time in five thousand year old road of our country, that the pioneers of hard working laborers and brave armed forces of the People's Republic under the leadership of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan and representation the life-making producers, have raised the crimson revolutionary flag over the red bosom of our victorious country.


O the land of freedom, we salute you

In front of the eastern gate of the Nation's House, some of ministers, deputies and army officers of Armed Forces of the People's Republic along with the youth and the women of People's Democratic Republic Women's and Youth's Associations performed a glorious dance which touched the hearts and soothed the souls of the audiences. With the irreversible victory of Sawr Revolution everything became communal (national) and everything turned into communal (the nation's) service.

Under the victorious red flag of Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, the possibility of creation of a proud, beautiful and wealthy Afghanistan has been come into existence.

Our people have the responsibility not to forget that they should fulfil their grand duties towards the progressive humanity and international labor class at this historical juncture and momentous era of victory against our enemies.

We move towards the clear and bright horizons of victory which were created in the dark sky of our country by the glorious and determined victory of Sawr Revolution. Tongues and pens were incapable of describing the glory of the 27th Mizan, 1357 (19th October, 1978) March. Beauty and glory, honesty and the excitement of the nation, their compassion for the leader, warmth and happiness of the nation, the feeling caused in the hearts by the hoisting of the crimson red flag of the hard working laborers of Afghanistan, was inexpressible by tongues and pens.

This red, revolutionary flag is the first one after many decades and centuries bearing the signs of laborers, farmers, and hard workers of our country on its glorious bosom.

Laborers and hard working people of Afghanistan, the foul, authoritarian anti-communal regimes were afraid of you and your name. On the contrary, Democratic Republic of Afghanistan is proud of you, depends on you, and will prepare all required facilities for you.

Today, you revolutionary people of Afghanistan, I find your name wherever I look. Our leader and our victorious teacher, Noor Mohammad Taraki, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, the Head of the Revolutionary Council and Prime Minister who with his fatherly smile elicits warm spring rays of hope in the heart, was responding to the overwhelming excitement of the crowd by waving his flags and hands.

On this glorious and unprecedented day of history, many people came out with their hammers and shovels and in their working uniforms and red shirts, with their red slogans and red hearts, red dreams, and a red future and participated in the March.

Millions of slogans, representing the responsible future of our country were carried by our youth and our revolutionary people.

Mountains of Shirdarwaza and Asmai Heights, in their 900 million year old history have nevr been witness to such a ceremony organized in Kabul, this ancient city.

Stories about this glorious day will add colors to the memories and dreams of our future young generations and would train them as positive communal elements on the way of sacrifice and devotion for the country.

Let the proud history initiated by the grand Revolution of Sawr, progress to fulfil the goals of the working class through creating brotherhood, equality and mutual respect of humanity for each other.

Martyrs of Sawr Revolution guaranteed the victory of the labor class over the wild/violent authoritarians from Naderi family. Let's take a pledge with the martyrs of the Sawr Revolution that their red blood will be the illuminating torch for the future generations and would help us in accomplishing the goals of the grand Sawr Revolution.

The grand leader of the public of Afghanistan has ordered that the symbol of the sacrifices of the martyrs and in their memory, the tank of the fighters, to be placed on the pedestal of honor in front of the Nation's House. 27th Mizan (19th October) was an honorable day which would be engraved on the face of time and space like a red lion. It was a day when every road was turned into red flags, red slogans and single red flags throughout the country.

On this unprecedented historical day, time and space, walls and roads, buildings and trees were red. On 27th Mizan, 1357 (19th October, 1978) we witnessed a glorious march which will be recorded in all its glory and grandeur in the minds of progressive humanity along with the memorable events of history. Students of Kabul University and students of central high schools with their various acrobatic and gymnastic performances added on to the beauty and glory of this historical ceremony.

At the end of this unprecedented march of our compatriots, the Heads of Corps Diplomatic community residing in Kabul offered their tribute and wishes to our leader, the Head of the Revolutionary Council and the Prime Minister, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, Noor Mohammad Taraki. This unprecedented historical march ended with much excitement and jubilation among our people at around 4:00 p.m.

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