Awara (1951)
Director: Raj Kapoor; Cinematographer: Radhu Karmakar
Duration: 02:48:18; Aspect Ratio: 1.348:1; Hue: 81.871; Saturation: 0.007; Lightness: 0.348; Volume: 0.201; Cuts per Minute: 18.983; Words per Minute: 46.854
Summary: Awaara (Hindi: आवारा, Urdu: آوارہ, translation: "The Tramp") is a 1951 Hindi film directed and produced by Raj Kapoor who also plays the leading role. Music was composed by the team of Shankar Jaikishan. Kapoor's real-life father Prithviraj Kapoor stars as his on-screen father Judge Raghunath. Kapoor's youngest real-life brother Shashi Kapoor plays the younger version of his character. Prithiviraj's father Dewan Bashwanath Kapoor also played a cameo role in his only film appearance.

Spice for the front page, isn't it?
- All you can think of are...

headlines for the front page.
- Oh, drop it!

Here comes Judge Raghunath

Such a gentleman! Why on earth
did that goon want to kill him?

Here comes your friend

ls the jury in place?

Yes, my Lord. Present

ls the accused present?
- Present, my Lord

Who is the counsel for the accused?

Who is the counsel for the accused?

Have you no lawyer
to defend your case?

ln that case, the government...

My Lord

l'm the counsel for the accused

l do not wish to defend myself

l promised to defend you, if
you're ever arraigned. Remember?

Does the accused give his consent?


Raj, you have been accused of
a murderous attack on Judge Raghunath

You may plead your case

l swear to speak the truth

Judge Raghunath, can you tell us
why the accused tried to kill you?

Did he have any enmity with you?

Yes. The grudge that a born felon
bears against the judge...

who sentences him and
grants no reprieve

Could there be no other reason
for such animosity?

None. How else could l
relate to him?

l have no further questions

Defense may proceed with

Judge, you are senior to me

lf in the course of questioning,
l happen to affront you...

do forgive me. Someone's life is
at stake. And you have taught me...

to ignore all relationships for
the dispensation of justice

This is my first interrogation.
Please give me your blessings

What do you mean when you call
the accused a born felon?

He has been a tramp and a hoodlum...

ever since he was a child.
His record says it

This penchant for crime has surely
been transmitted congenitally

Judge, do you have any children?


But how is this question relevant
to this case?

Most relevant. Think again. Are you
certain that you have no children?

No. But l reiterate. This question...
- Can you recount the circumstance...

when you threw your wife
out of your house?

My Lord, am l to be forced to reply
to such meaningless questions?

Ms Rita, you may ask questions
relevant only to the case

We wish to know whether or not,
the accused attempted murder

lf yes, then why?

Enough! Stop it! l'm a murderer!
Hang me if you will!

Proceed with your questioning

The accused does not deny having
assaulted Judge Raghunath

But, as you said just now,
the question is why he did it

This interrogation is meant
to reveal the answer...

if you my Lord, and Judge Raghunath
repose your trust in me for a while

You may proceed

l repeat my question.
Can you recount the circumstance...

when you threw your wife
out of your house?

l beg your pardon, Judge Raghunath,
but this question is very important

And not only for the accused.
For you too

The cause of whatever is happening
today, lies rooted in your past


Can you tell us? Why, when
and under what circumstance...

did you throw your wife
out of your house?

24 years ago...

l was practising law in Lucknow

l was the black sheep of the family,
because l opposed social norm...

and l had married a widow.
My father was a big gun

and was away in Bombay most of the
time. He was unhappy with me

But under no circumstance,
was l willing to leave Leela

She was so good to me.
She was such a good woman

And l was in love with her

But one day, on our way from
Kanpur to Allahabad...

little did l realise that
like a boat in midstream...

my life too was to be caught
in cross currents

"Cross currents in the midstream"

" Beware"

"ln the current you will sink or sail"

" Beware"

"The open skies"

"Careful sailor"

"Your boat is headed into a storm"

"Restless flow the deep waters"

" Beware"

"Twigs are carried away"

"Steel sinks"

"So what do you think?"

" Beware"

Aren't you feeling sleepy?

What are you thinking about?
- Why do they sing " Beware"?

They say, these parts are dangerous.
Jagga the bandit. He's from these parts

- Yes, but don't worry

As of now, he must be fast asleep
in some prison

Go to bed. l'm feeling sleepy

ln case you're afraid, l can come over
- No

No! The lady is with them!

Leave me.... let go!

You heartless bandits!

Where's your chief?

What right have you to terrorise
women from good families?

Aren't you ashamed?
- Ashamed?

Shame is for good folks,
not for bandits and robbers

As for me, my grandfather was a bandit,
my father was a bandit! But l wasn't

And your husband went and made me one!
- My husband...?

Who are you?
- Jagga. And l was innocent

But without a shard of evidence,
your husband framed me...

just because my father, my grandfather
were bandits

He framed me for rape
and he sent me to jail

So l've decided to prove
your husband right


See what's wrong with her

Has she come to her senses?

No, she's still in a swoon

Let her go, Chief. She's pregnant.
She's going to become a mother

Touch her, and you go to hell

Pregnant? She is going to be a mother... ?

Her husband said that children born
of good folks turn out good

And children born of bandits...

turn out to be bandits. Always

Now let's see what the lawyer's son
turns out to be

Send her back once she recovers

Good are those born of good folks!
And of bandits are bandits born

You should make me a gift.
- What's the occasion?

Not any occasion.
The lady is back

What did you say?
- Yes, The lady!

Why is it dark in here?

Lights! Tonight we celebrate!

lt is you who lights up my life

Now that you're back,
even the lights seem so bright!

Give me the wick

But Leela, how did you escape?
l hope you weren't in danger?

Your love was with me.
How could anyone even look up at me?

You are tired. Change.
l'll bring you your dressing grown

These last four days

The last four days were
like a lifetime

l took the police and l looked
everywhere for you

All the while, l feared...

l feared you were in grave danger!

But how did you escape?
And who was this bandit?

Some Jagga. He said that you
had convicted him

So he escaped to get even with me!
Leela, lf he has done anything to you...

l'll see to it that he hangs!
- At heart, he's a devil

But God saved me at the last moment.
Thank God!

Tell me something


Is it true, that a good man's son turns out good,
and a bandit's son necessarily become a bandit?

Yes, it's bound to happen

But why do you ask?

Just like that

Let's see what comes first.
Your becoming a magistrate, or...

Why? ls someone expected?

A new guest

Now l don't have any chances
of becoming a magistrate

Why? What happened?

Whatever... let's talk
of something else

How do you like this?



Are you annoyed with me?

Annoyed? No

Why should l be annoyed with you?

Have my lunch sent over

What's the matter?
Where are the servants?

God knows where they have all disappeared!
l have to do all the chores

Let me help you.
- You'd rather tell her all this

She's sitting around like a queen!

Not to be cross with Leela.
l told her not to strain herself

You know the condition she is in.
And in a few days from now...

She's going to bear the fruit
of her sins!

What are you saying?!
- What everyone else is saying!

For four days, she lived with a bandit!
And Jagga at that!

Don't you remember what
he was convicted for?

Do you enjoy making someone unhappy?
The jaundiced eye sees all yellow

Do you think you're beyond scrutiny?
Don't you forget...

women have had to stand the test of
chastity. Because society asks for it


Forgive me Bhabhi,
your pot is broken

lt's only an earthen pot. But remember,
a woman's honour is far more fragile

Once disgraced, her honour
can never be redeemed

Just answer my question!

Did you not know that your wife
was seeing her lover on the sly?

The villagers used to say that.
But l didn't heed what they said

You haven't yet told the court
why your wife deserted you

You know it! Women are adulterous!

l know what that means!

Raghu, how can you lose
your cool in court?

l'm afraid your chances of
magistrateship may be clouded

Chances of a magistrateship?
That's out of question now

Can a lawyer whose wife is under
suspicion ever become a magistrate?

The whole town is agog!
- What are you saying?

Aren't you ashamed to talk like this
about your wife?

l'm just saying what
everyone is saying

Let them say what they want

You're right. That's what l decided.
Let them say what they want

But how do l get rid of the suspicion?
lt's like a leech sucking on...

some dark corner of my mind!
- What now...?

Where's everyone?

Send Bhabhi over to me

Oh, l'm so afraid!

Why isn't someone coming to me?

That's my husband. Please,
send him over to me

Look Raghu...

l'm telling you again! That baby
isn't going to be born in this house

lf she wants to have her bastard,
let her go elsewhere

l'm not going to let the honour
of my family be tainted

l'm going to throw this
wanton woman out!

No! l'm not going anywhere!
No one can take me away from here!

He knows that l'm innocent!
He trusts me, he trusts me!

You're here! Now l'm afraid of no one!

Have you heard? They want
to throw me out!

They say l'm a wanton woman!
They say, l've no right to be here!

But now you're here.
No one will dare anymore

Tell them l'm untainted!
Tell them you trust me

Tell them l'm mothering your child

Why are you so quiet?

Have you fallen for what they say?

You're the one who told me...
"l don't care for the baying dogs"

lf you desert me, who else
in this world can l turn to?

Tell me... tell me that you trust me!

"Do you think you're above scrutiny?
Don't you forget..."

"even Sita had to stand the test of chastity"

Why are you quiet?
Speak... speak!

You can see the state l'm in.
l'm afraid... afraid!

l'm going to become a mother
... the mother of your child

Have mercy! This is your baby.
This baby is yours!

Get out!
Get out of here!

"The most chaste of women"

"Were banished"

"Why is not the earth rent asunder
in sorrow?"

"Why are not the skies torn apart?"

"So suffers the girl her father
raised lovingly"

"Her father raised her lovingly;
her husband loved her once"

"Now she goes from door to door"

"Oh such games The Lord above plays"

"Oh such games The Lord above plays"

"ln the oyster
He makes the pearl blossom"

"ln murky waters
He makes the lotus bloom"

"Strange are your ways, Lord"

Congratulations, Lawyer!
A son has born to you.

Son of a decent family!
Born in a filthy gutter!

Do you not know what your wife
and your son went through...

after you shut your doors on them?
- No

Nor did you try to find out

But l can tell you

To get out of your way,
your wife left Lucknow

And your innocent son grew up
in a Bombay slum

One day...

Police! Scram!

Hey Nathu...

Hello, Constable

What are you up there like a monkey?
Why don't you go to school?

At school, the master asks for fees

My father hasn't the money
to send me to school

Look at Leela's son, Raj.
He lives in this slum too

His mother is worse off. Yet she
sends her boy to such a big school

What did you say? He isn't a boy.
He's a sissy!

Ma, why do you put oil in my hair?
- Oil keeps the hair soft

But why do boys in the neighbourhood
call me sissy?

So what? How do they
compare with you?

You're a good boy
who goes to school

You'll grow up to become
an educated man

And those wayward boys
will go to jail

Ma, what's wayward?

The ones who just tramp around

Those who think that whatever
belongs to others, belongs to them

Those who gamble and drink
instead of going to school

And they have fun!

Ma, when l grow up,
l'll become wayward too

Nonsense! You'll become a lawyer

Then a magistrate

And then, a judge

You're sitting here?
Everyone's out there buying chocolates

l don't have money

Why, doesn't your mother
give you money?

Daddy gives me a whole Rupee
every day!

You're rich. And l'm poor.

Eat this

No, Ma says never ask
for anything to eat

lf she told you not to ask,
go ahead and snatch it


You're coming to my place
this evening, aren't you?

Why, what's happening?
- My birthday party!

You must come! lt's going to be fun!

You know, Daddy has ordered
such a huge cake!

Let's go and eat ice cream

Raj, aren't you giving me a gift?

l didn't have money to buy anything.
l'll give you some other time

Must you only buy something
to make a gift?

You could give me a flower


Here you are

Someday, l'm going to make
lots of money

And l'll buy a gift for you.
Something better than all this

Do that

But can anything be better
than this flower?

Come on Raj, meet my father

Ritu, say hello to the Judge

Hello, Judge

Bless you

You've grown up in these four years
You must've forgotten me.

Happy birthday

l've just arrived from Lucknow.
l owe you a present

As of now, l can give you a flower

Here you are

Let me put it on your hair

Someone has already put a flower
over there

Raj has given me this flower

Daddy, this is Raj.
He's in my class

l see
- Hello



God bless you, son

Raj says that he will become a judge
when he grows up

Very good!

Your father must be a real gentleman

What does your father do?

l don't have my father.
l have only my mother

Has he passed away?
- No! Don't say that!

My mother says he is alive.

He doesn't live with you
... and you haven't seen him either?

Your father is a strange man.
- Not a word about my father

Else... else...

How can you let your daughter
play with boys like him?

Go to play, Ritu

Why, what's wrong with the boy?
l like him

He doesn't even know his father's
name, and you like him?

l'd say he's just a wastrel
- Forget it.

Must you hang on to
those rotten old ideas?

What was the Bandit's name?

Yes, Jagga

l remember you saying the same
at his trial

That a bandit's son
always becomes a bandit

l still stand by that principle

Principles, principles and principles!
lt's because of these blind dogmas...

that you lost someone
as precious as Leela

And because of your principles,
you never married again

The dry parched desert that
your life is, is your own doing

So much so that you would rather
destroy a friendship...

between two innocent children?
Why, what has the poor child done...

to bring you to harm?

Not this boy. But it was...

someone like him who destroyed my life
... and brought me to disgrace

Maybe today, he too says
what this boy just said...

"l'm only my mother's son
... l have no father"

ln every urchin l see him...

the one whom my wife bore,
the one who isn't mine

My wife's, yet not mine

Rita looks good in that photo,
doesn't she?

But Ma, why do you work so hard?
This is why you fall ill

l'm not going to let you work
anymore, you understand?

You mad boy! lf l don't work,
how are we going to eat?

l'm a man. l'm the one
who is going to work

From tomorrow,
no going to school!

You won't go to school?
Won't you?

How will you become a gentleman,
unless you educate yourself?

Wayward imp!

Without schooling, how can you become
a lawyer, a magistrate, a judge?

lf you say so, l'll go to school
... and l'll work too

But l won't become a judge.
At Rita's l met a judge

l didn't like him

"Are you out for a good time?"

"Hey Mister, Hey Babu,
Hey Mr White, Mr Black"

"Out on the streets
we're waiting for you"

"We, the merry boot-polish boys"

Good morning, teacher.
Sorry, l'm late

l work, you know. l work

What's all this?

Brush, wax... l give you a good polish

No. Your name has been struck
from the rolls

- You can't study here anymore.

But l've brought the fees too! lf you
say so, l'll stop polishing boots

So l can't study here any longer, can l?


For a minute, can l talk to Rita?
l have a gift for her

Rita's father has transferred her out of this school. They have moved

Why did you kick my ball?

Forgive me, l stepped on it
by mistake

How dare a boot-polish-boy?
- Hit him!

You're just a boot-polish boy.
You dare take me on?

Hit him!

His coat... strip him!

Hit him!

My Ma is ill.
Let me go to my Ma

You can hit me some other time.
My Ma is ill. Let me go to my Ma

Your Ma is ill?
- Yes

His Ma is ill!

Run! Uncle Jagga is here! Run!

Get up. Come with me

Where to?

Wherever l go. From now on,
you go wherever l go

That's what your father wanted

You know my father?
- Yes

l knew him

Whatever l am today,
is all thanks to him

l owe your Dad an old debt

Then you'll surely help me
find a job somewhere?

Job? What job?
- Whatever! l'll do anything!

My Ma is sick! We haven't anything
to eat! Give me any job!

l'll clean the dishes, sweep floors,
carry luggage... l'll do anything!

Just give me a job! Give me a job!

You fool! Only fools work

You're a smart boy.
And you talk of working?

Unless l work, how will l eat?
How will l feed my mother?



Stealing... no!

Yes, yes, yes!
Steal! Steal! Steal!

Pick pockets, locks,
rob, kill

You took so long, son

You've been hungry all day.
Go on, eat food

Food? Have you cooked?
- Yes, why not?

lt's over there, under the plate

The bread is warm.
l even cooked potatoes

Take some. lt's on the shelf

Have you found it?

Yes Ma, l found it

The bread, and potatoes too

The potatoes are delicious

Eat it then. Give me a bread too.
l'm very hungry

Very hungry


Yes, Ma. l'll get it right now

Right now

"Yes, yes, yes!
Steal! Steal! Steal!"

"Pick pockets, locks,
rob, kill"

You thief!

Stealing bread?
- Excuse me, my Ma is hungry

She hasn't had anything to eat
in three days

Son of a gun! Off you go to the cops!

What's your name?
l asked you what's your name

Father's name?

Ma has never told me
my father's name

Where does your mother live?
l asked you where your mother lives

l won't tell you. l won't

lf you don't, who pays for your bail?
You'll go to jail. You know that?

Where are you running?
- Don't send me to jail!

My Ma is hungry.
Don't send me to jail!

Afraid, son? Don't be.
This is just your first step

The road ahead is very long

Hey, are you mad?

Why are you laughing at your bread?

This bread...

you know this bread?
She makes you dance

What do you mean?
- She made me dance!

Outside the jail twelve years ago,
had l found her...

would l be here time and again,
for her sake?

You've had enough for free.
Come on, the jailer is calling you

Your time's up. Find yourself
some other hotel

Time up?
- Yes

l don't think l like the food here
anyway. From now on...

it's Hotel Taj Mahal for me

lf you want to eat at
the Taj Mahal Hotel, stop thieving

Stop picking pockets

And do some honest work
- Sure. l'm going on a pilgrimage.

"l'm a tramp"

"Whether l'm rising or falling,
l'm always a star"

"l have no family, no home"

"l have no one who loves me"

"l don't have a lover waiting for me
across some river"

"For me the city is empty city
The unknown path is all l love"

"l'm a tramp"

"l'm not rich"

"l'd rather stay a pauper"

" But the songs l sing
are merry songs"

"My heart is full of wounds"

" But my eyes are always
full of smiles"

"Oh this world"

"ln this world, maybe l'm doomed"

"l'm a tramp"

" But whether l'm rising or l'm falling,
l'm always a star"

Raj! You had me scared

Come on, give me a hug

Hey, are you talking English?
- This time in jail...

l came across one of the politicos.
l thought l'd make the most of it

And got to talk some English.
l could use it

Tell me, what news of Ma?
You told her, didn't you?

Yes, a long time ago. She thinks
you're away on a long business trip...

with your boss. When you go home,
you must go home in style

l have it all fixed.
- First, tell me...

have you been sending money to Ma?
- Of course! On the 1st of every month!

Say, you'd need some money,
wouldn't you? Keep this

Looking for this thing?

l guessed it was for me.
So why not take it for myself?

Want a ten or a twenty? No...?

Bravo, my boy! You'll make
your guru proud someday

And someday, l'll ask your father what
the gentleman's son grows up to be

Raj, l've been dying to see you!
This time, it has been a whole year!

Where has this boss of yours
been taking you to?

This time, l've been
to London and more


On my way back, l even stopped
at Arthur Road

My boss is into import and export.
- What's that?

You don't know import-export?
You're so naive

Your son is about to become a big
businessman, and you don't know...

what import-export is?
Listen to this, Ma

lmport-export means moving the money
between here and there

But mostly, it comes in this way

How would l know?
You've even started talking English

Sit, l'll get tea for you

What are you looking at?

l'm a thief

A lying thief

l've sinned

Why did you turn that photo over?

Whenever l look at it,
she seems to be staring at me

She brings back childhood memories.
Why don't you admit that?

Where could she be now?
Why don't you try to locate her?

Childhood days, and childhood friends
... do they ever come back, Ma?

l'm going out
- But your tea?

Forget it. l've got to see a friend

My son he is! Silly boy!

"This is a colourful season"

"Men think it's exciting
to see me tonight on the sly"


"This youth is so exciting"

"Your girl is mad about you"

"Why do you refuse me?"

"Why do you look away from me?"

"Look here, the world is yours"

"Why are you afraid of love?"

How much did you make today?
- Ten thousand five hundred

Why only fifty-fifty?
You can have many times more

- Tomorrow morning...

a bank is being inaugurated.
Say, how's the opportunity?

A sleight of hand, and there's
a hundred thousand or so going

All you need is a car.
- Car?

A good car.
- For me, that's a sleight of hand

Eleven tomorrow. l'll tell you where

Good! Someday, you'll surely
make me proud

lt's late

You have to make it by eleven

First class car!

Car? Where?

Out there

Who's driving it?
- No idea

A girl just got down
and walked into that shop

- With her, maybe

That one?

Can't you see?

No keys here

Return the bag.
- What for?

lt will make things easier.
We'll make it work.

How will you return it?

What happened?
- l've been robbed!

Who did it?
- l didn't notice

He was with you!

l had it a moment ago
- You didn't notice who robbed you?

Had l noticed, l would've caught him!


Yes you!
- Who me?

Look, there goes the thief!
Stop! Thief!

He jumped over the wall!

Wait here

Come on, help me

There you are! Hiding!

Aren't you ashamed? Give it to me.
Else, l'll beat you to pulp

l'm going to kill you! Give me!

You dare stare at me like that?

Hey... knife!

Are you running away? Coward!



He ran away

Anyway, here's your purse

Keep it

You've been through so much
trouble for my sake

No trouble. l've taken more

l should apologise. You risked
your life to get my purse back

And l suspected you

Not your fault

lt's just my looks

Sometimes even the police
are mistaken


How was the show?
- No use

We'll find a car. Why worry?
Get over to the place

l'll join you after a change
of clothes

Hey Romeo! You tear your clothes
no sooner than you see a girl!

Get lost

Get going

Stop! Thief!

Where are you going?


lnside? What do you want?
- Strange question

Your boss is the one who called me.
And you ask me what l want?

The boss, or the lady? Who called you?

Yes, the lady

So you're the one
who tunes the piano?

Yes! The piano tuner!

ls the piano in there?
- Are pianos kept outside?

No! lnside. Come on in,
else l'll get into trouble

Looks like a billionaire's palace!

The mantle!

What a lovely mantle!

What a grand mansion!

What kind of a joke is this?

Here's the piano

This piano is in bad shape.
Badly damaged

Rotten! lt'll take me time to fix it.
Go on, get back to work

l'll fix it

Who's playing my piano?

- You...!

l'm mistaken, once again

l thought it must be a thief

That's what l am.
- What?

l mean, who else but a thief
would come in uninvited?

No, it's good of you
to have come

You did me a favour.
l should've called you over

But l didn't know your address.
How did you find out my address?

No, don't ask me that.
lt's a secret

Let's say, it's luck that has led me
to your doorstep

Please be seated

No, thanks


Madam, he's the piano-tuner...
- Piano tuner?

Your servant thinks l'm here
to tune the piano

But you said...

Never mind, take the call. Go on

Strange fellow. He took you
for a piano tuner

Not his fault.
lt's just my looks

lnspector sahib, no thief
came in here

Please wait here

What brings the police here?

Excuse me, l'll be back

A car thief has snuck into one
of the houses in this neighbourhood

Have you seen anyone?
- No, no one came in here

She's wrong about
no one coming in here

l happen to be a visitor.
Would you be looking for me?

No... how could this be?


Grand house

Yes. lt belongs to the Judge

- Yes, he's my guardian

Like the guard on the train
... signalling red and green?

No. After my father passed away,
l have been his ward

For the sake of my education,
he left Lucknow and he came to Bombay

l am much obliged to him

Do judges sport such grand houses?
He must be making a pile on the side

What a thing to say!
The judge is very principled

He never spares criminals

l hope God spares him!

Not to worry. lf you're ever arraigned
in his court, let me defend your case

You... lawyer?
- Yes

l took you for a schoolgirl

That was a nice one. A couple
of months, and l'll be an advocate

Would you like to see my degree?

A judge lives here. And a lawyer too.
Leaves only one to make a full court!

Yours truly. And here l am.
- And what are you up to?


Stealing, picking pockets, locks,
ladies' purses, like yours...

that's what l'm up to.
- You're joking again. Be seated

You don't think l'm a thief?
- No, l think you're a gentleman

This is the new world order!
The thieves, the hoodwinkers...

they all dress in first class suits
like l'm wearing, and we take them...

for gentlemen. But those who work hard
for an honest living and dress shabbily

... are labelled tramps and wastrels.
The capitalists, the blackmarketeers...

the profiteers, the usurers...
who are they? Thieves, like l am!

You sound like a stock broker
or a banker

You might say that give and take
of money is what l'm concerned with

As far as banks are concerned,
l visit banks regularly

Be seated

Tell me your name

Tell me, whose photo is this?
- Mine


Yes, when l was young

lt's a birthday photo

Your name?

Rita. Why?

Ms Rita, would you like to come
to my house?

l'd like to show you
something unique

My mother would be very pleased
to meet you. Come


After twelve years

You've changed!

You haven't changed at all

Where have you been, Raj?

Looking for you

And at last, l've found you
- And when l saw you...

l took you for a thief

Not your fault.
lt's in my looks

"Ever since my lover
has come home..."

"my heart leaps with joy"

"His heart said
something to mine"

"And the old days returned"

"Our days have returned again"

"He brings so much of happiness..."

"my heart leaps with joy"

"My heart he could win
through my eyes"

"l could lay the stars
at his feet"

"My hopes soar...
my heart leaps with joy"

"Ever since my beloved
has come home..."

"my heart leaps with joy"

"We are young
and we are in love"

"He is the one who
makes my world"

"My heart leads him to me...
my heart leaps with joy"

"Ever since my hero has returned,
my heart springs to life"

The Judge is here

So here you are. And you're late

The doctor has told you to come home
and rest for at least an hour

But you won't listen.
You look so tired

Just sit here. l'll get you
your dressing gown

Tell me, where have you been
all this time?

l had a lecture in the law college.
l went there directly from the court

All that jabbering
is giving me a headache

That's bound to happen. The doctor
told you to eat before eight

lt's nine thirty now

Listen to that! Even the clock
is angry with you

Come on

Tell me about yourself. What have
you been up to all evening?

You look as if you've found
a treasure

You could say that. A long-lost friend
is no less than a treasure

You'll be glad when you meet Raj.
You're certain to like him!

Who is this Mr Raj? Where does he live?
What does he do? What's his family name?

He's a childhood friend.
We were in school together

l'm seeing him after twelve years!

After twelve years?

After so many years,
most people change

Raj has changed too. At school,
he used to be very quiet

Now he has great sense of humour.
When l asked him what he's up to...

he said he's a thief

Maybe that wasn't a joke?

l don't follow you

Never mind

You know what young men
are like, these days

Who knows, they might steal
something valuable

The water is deep.
You might drown

Not without you

ls that so?

Try that

ls that so?

Hey lady, haven't you finished
dressing yet?

Where are you headed?
Gentlemen don't barge in...

when ladies are changing (clothes).
Don't you know that?

How would l know?

l'm no gentleman


l'm not about to give in
to your type

Where are you running away?

Let go of my hand. What kind
of a stupid joke is this?

You savage!

Am l...?
- Yes!

You're a savage!
- Savage?

l'm a penniless, uneducated tramp!

l don't fit into high society!

How dare l maul your fragile body
with my beastly hands

l told Ma that childhood friends,
like childhood days are gone...

never to return

Good of you to have told me
my class

lt was a joke. Don't get angry

You want to hit me? Go ahead

Whom will l hit?


Or myself...?

Are you happy?

Where are you lost?

Up there

Come back

Where to?

Beside me


No reason

Aren't you ashamed?

What are you looking at?

The Moon?



What's your problem?
You don't see the Moon...

and you see the dark clouds?
Won't you tell me?

Who else can l tell?

We're seeing each other
after twelve years

A lot changes in twelve years.
- The Judge said that too!

But l don't agree. Look at us.
We're still friends

The Judge is right.
You know nothing about me

Who l am...

my circumstances...

my family background...

what l have been doing...

what l am doing

You know nothing about me

Nor do l want to know

All l know is that you are
the one l...

Rita, you are so nice.
But so naive

And you're such a fool

A savage

l'm not talking to you


The clouds?

They are moving away from my Moon

You know, today's my birthday

Which? Tenth? Eleventh?

You don't ask a lady that

All right, l'll whisper it to you

Twenty one

No! lt's looking at us

- That!

"l wish the Moon would
look away for a while..."

"while l make love to him"

"l'd say a thousand sweet nothings"

"l pray with all my heart.."

"l pray for my love"

"The Moon watches me and
my beloved for the first time"

"On our first night together"

"Hide behind those clouds,
O Moon..."

"while l make love to him"

"While l say a thousand
sweet nothings to him"

"l wish the Moon would
look this way for while..."

"l'd make love to her"

"l'd look deep into her eyes"

"l'm a thief;
l steal"

"l have a bad reputation"

"l have always stolen hearts;
that's just what l have done"

"You must bear witness, O Moon"

"While l make love to her"

"When l look into her eyes"

"You have stolen my heart;
do not go away"

"Do not forget the path
that leads to me"

"Do not trample upon the rose
that is my heart"

"Tell him this much, O Moon..."

"l'll make love to him"

"l'll whisper a thousand
sweet nothings to him"

"lf only you look this way,
O Moon..."

"l'd make love to her;
l'd look deep into her eyes"

"lf only you looked away
for a while, O Moon..."

One step more, and the boat
will turn over and sink

Say what...?

Let the boat sink

l don't want it
- But the doctor says...

l should eat by eight

Tonight, it's my turn
to be admonished by the clock

You are angry with me, aren't you?

Today l was...

With Raj?
- Raj is no stranger

He's a childhood friend

l made a promise
to your dying father

To take care of you
as long as l live

You must make a promise

lf someone likes you,
if you like someone...

you will not give your consent
without telling me

l know, l am much obliged to you.

But it doesn't mean that you can,
time and again...


Recognise me?
Thank you very much!

You haven't much time nowadays

Well son, are you falling in love?

Or, have you given up your profession
for fear of going to jail?

You don't know the size of the scam
l've planned for you

She's an heiress.
Just wait for a few days

l'm angling for a diamond necklace.
- Bravo!

l knew it! You aren't the type
to waste your time

But remember!

lf you try to cheat Jagga...

"Nor do l want to know. All l know
is that you are the one l..."


"Remember! lf you try
to cheat Jagga..."

"Without you, even Moonlight
is a scorching fire..."

"Come to me"

"Like a flute bereft of melody..."

"without you, my life is a misery"

"Come to me"

"This is no life...
no, this isn't"

"ln the pyre that is my life,
l burn alive"

"Like red-hot arrows
tears of anguish rip me apart"

"l want not this hell..."

"l seek only roses,
l seek only love"

"A season of Spring, l seek"

"My lover has come home"

"My thirsting eyes are sated"

"You are the pearl
deep inside my heart"

"You are the light of my eyes"

"You are all my childhood fantasies
were about"

"And now you are back"

"Don't break my heart now;
don't go away"

"Don't leave me in tears"

"l beseech you"


Help me, Ma!

Ma, l want to be good!

l promise, l won't have anything to do
with Jagga and those others!

l'd rather starve than steal.
l will be good

People will say l'm honest!
Let's go back to our slum

l'll work hard for a living.
l won't steal! Ma, l won't steal!

l want nothing but peace of mind,
and my mother's blessings

l won't steal, Ma.
l'll become honest

Yes, sir?
- You're fired. We won't need you

We don't employ thieves

May l ask something, sir? You say
you don't want to employ thieves?

Would you rather that they keep
thieving all their lives?


Come on, the boss is calling you

Raj, what reply do l carry back
to the boss?


He will either steal
or he will starve

And how long will he not steal?
He has no way out of crime

Let me see how far he goes

Where are you going?

To see Rita.
- You can't go in. The Judge's orders

The Judge's orders?

Then go and tell her that
Raj is waiting out here to see her

l have much to tell her.
- She can't see anyone. Get going

Get going...? Where to?

Come friend

Let me talk to you

Strange coincidence, isn't it?
You're a tramp, l'm a tramp too

You have no name,
l have no name either

You are homeless,
l have no home either

Like me, you too crave for love

Difference being only that
you are an animal, and l'm human


l have nothing to give you

l can only give love

Why don't you watch your step?
Are you blind?

Mind your tongue.
Bloody savage

Savage... am l a savage?

Am l a mongrel on the streets?
To be kicked at will or whim?


"Your servant thinks
l'm here to tune the piano"

"Come to me, l pine for you"

"The night is about to pass"

"l pine here;
you long there"

"So come...
the night is about to pass"

"Even the Moon is waning"

"The stars are disappearing"

"A painful, restless hour;
the night passes"

"Carried away with the Moon..."

"l see the bride-like night

"Call out to me...
where are you?"

"The night is passing"

"l fear and l lose hope"

"Even my fate is tiring of me"

"lf you won't come..."

"where do l go?"

"The night is about to pass"

The invitations have been printed

The day after tomorrow
is your birthday, isn't it?

Send them to the friends
you want to invite

All my friends?

Yes, all friends. All, who are
worthy of being your friends

Its your birthday

"Raj, aren't you giving me a gift?"

"l didn't have money to buy anything.
l'll give you some other time"

"Must you only buy something
to make a gift?"

"You could give me a flower"

"Someday, l'm going to make
lots of money"

"And l'll buy a gift for you.
Something better than all this"

Back? l knew someday,
you'd surely come back

For you, this is the only door open

l need a thousand. A loan
l'll return it after l've earned it

Loan? What d'you think l am,
a money-lender?

Today is Rita's birthday.
Look, she has invited me

She takes me for a gentleman.
- So you must dress like a gentleman

And to prove yourself, you must
also make a gift to the lady

So gentlemanliness is for sale,
and you intend buying some?

But to become a gentleman, you need
money. One thousand Rupees

For that thousand, you have to steal,
rob, or maybe even kill someone for me

Do you accept?
- No

No! l won't rob!
l won't commit crimes!

What other way out do have you?

Once a criminal, you can never
become a gentleman again!

No matter how many times
you change your clothes

Crime is written all over your face!
You even tried working

Not for you, the bread
in the sweat of thy face

For you, the only resort
is thieving, crime

Same as mine!

All thanks to your father

Watch your step, son

l try. But what to do?
Out on the streets...

there are those big guns like you.
- Sharp, are you?

Have you seen Rita?

Tell me something

Who are you looking for?

Want me to tell you?

Look, over there

So you came

Happy twenty-first

Your gift
- Why did you have to do this?

Why did you have to buy
such an expensive necklace?

For you, nothing is too expensive.
Besides, l stole it

You stole it?
- l stole it from the stars

You're such a...
- A savage?

What else? You are a savage

You buy this expensive gift...

but you won't spend
for a velvet case


Rita, the Judge is calling you.
Hurry up

What's on your mind?

Let me introduce you to the Judge

Come on

Rita, l've been waiting for you

First, my present

See if you like it

Why, don't you like it?

Today's a strange day. Someone
gives me a necklace sans a case

And someone give me a case
sans the necklace

"The man l'm in love with
is full of deceit"

" But l've fallen in love with him?"

"Oh, what have l done?"

"He looked so innocent"

" But he turns out to be a crook"

"The innocent-looking crook
that he is..."

"he's a blackheart
with a sunny smile"

"l have given him my heart
l'm driving myself crazy"

"Oh, what am l doing?"

"Those blue eyes have deceived me"

"There's an emptiness inside my heart
and tears come to my eyes"

"l trusted him
l promised him my love"

"Oh, what have l done?"

What have l done?
l've fallen in love with a thief!

And Raju, you...?

ls it some gift you don't like?

l'm going to return his gift

Bring him over.
l'd like to meet him

Raj isn't a bad boy.
He has just gone astray

All he needs is someone to love him,
to support him, to bring him around

He respects you. lf you want it,
Raj can be saved

ls Raj not at home?
- No. He went out early in the morning

He isn't back yet

"Falling in love with you, my love"

"l have cried, and l have laughed"

"Happily l have borne
the pangs of love"

"l have cried, and l have laughed"

"What do you know of
the pangs of love?"

"The pain is so acute"

"l'm transfixed"

"l stood silent"

"l stood in silence, l swear"

"l cried, and l laughed"

"My heart burns, as if on fire"

"My tears flow, as it rains"

"Like the clouds"

"Like a cloud, l was a tramp"

"l have cried, and l have laughed"

"Falling in love with you, my love"

"l have cried, and l have laughed"

There you are

Haven't you brought the police along?

That bitterness is of no use

Your mother has told me everything

So you know l'm wayward
... l've been to jail...

and my name is on the police rolls.
ls that what you've come to tell me?

Try to understand me, Raj.
l still consider you my friend


A lawyer's daughter, a judge's ward
takes a tramp for a friend?

What's your society going to say?
What will your people say?

lf you recant, society
will forgive your past

Raj, you can make a new life
for yourself... you can!

A new life? On what
will l build a new life?

Can you give me back my childhood
... the education l never had?

Everyone says that l have no father
to name... l have no honour!

Can you bring my father back?
Can you give me my name?

Can you give me my honour?
Tell me... tell me Rita!

Rita, l've kept you in the dark.
l've kept myself in the dark

Forget me Rita.
Leave me to myself

l am not worthy of you

You realise fully well,
yet you want to live in this hell

l never imagined you'd be so weak

Rita, don't you think l never tried
to get out of this hell

But tell me, what do l do?

For twelve years, the world
has chased me towards crime

Alone, l cannot face it

Alone, l cannot

You aren't alone, Raj
Your mother is with you

l'm with you

You? With me? With a criminal?

Yes Raj. With you, forever

Good or not, guilty or not,
whatever you are, you're mine

This is a matter of the heart. And
the scales of justice cannot judge it

But this guilt l carry
with me forever...?

For me, as your wife, it will
be the bride's vermillion


Come with me
- Where?

The Judge wants to meet you

The Judge...?



Only Raj?


Your father's name?

l don't know

l see

What do you do?

As of now, unemployed.
Like millions of others

Any other source of income?


Do you remember polishing boots
when you were a boy?

l still do

And you want to marry Rita?

Yes. lf you allow me

And you've been to jail too?
- Rita must've told you that...

You've recanted...? Have you found
another source of making money?

- But there's still hope, isn't it?

lf some silly rich girl marries you...
- Did you call me here to insult me?

We are in love

We want to marry
- All that l've heard



And let's talk it over
with a cool head

What do you mean?
- l mean that though l don't know...

how you managed to seduce a naive girl,
it's clear why you played this trick

l want to know what price
you'll take to let her go

Till today, l thought
l was the worst scoundrel on earth

But you turn out to be
one up on me!

You scum! How dare you use
your filthy colloquy?

You think l'm going to let
Rita marry a tramp like you?

She'd rather stay a spinster for life.
Better by far that she dies!

Why not say that you'd rather
she married some big-shot?

Someone rich or maybe... some judge?

Out of here

Before l leave, l'd like
to ask you a question

What if it was your son in my place?
And because he's poor...

because he was brought up in the slums
and was forced into crime...

what if it was he who was being denied
his love, his life...?

How would you have felt?

Jagga has called you

There's a big heist

A bank is to be looted

Open the door!

Open up
- Who is it?

Open up!

Who are you?

Don't you know me?

l'm Jagga

The bandit?
- You could say so

What do you want here?


The police are after me.
Where's Raj?

Get out of my house! l will do nothing
to help someone like you!

l had you once, and l let you go
Remember the day?

For twelve years, l cared for your son.
l made his life! For this day?

Made my son's life?
You forced him into crime

Get out of my house. l don't want
your cursed shadow upon my son!

Get out! Get out of my house!

Go on! Call the police!

Let me see who saves you!


Will you challenge your boss?

You're no boss. You're Satan!

Let's hear what you have to say now

No! No! Mercy!

No! Enough!

What have you done Raj?

For my sins, this is atonement!

The accused may be presented

What's the name of the accused?

Sir, his name is Raj

Father's name?
- Not known, sir. Maybe he has none

Raj, you have been accused
of killing Jagga

Do you have anything to say
in your defence?

Have you not appointed a lawyer
to defend yourself?

The case is adjourned. The government
will appoint a counsel for the defence

l know the law. Raj killed
in self-defence. That's no crime

Please save my Raj, somehow

Your deposition is very important.
The whole case hinges on it

Come to the court tomorrow
- All right

ls she dead?
- She has been hurt on the head

And Raj killed Jagga
to save my life

Please sign here. This deposition
will surely save Raj

lf Raj is saved, l will be able
to die in peace

l should be leaving now

My son!
- What happened to you, Ma?

That heartless judge has killed you!
What is his enmity with us?

You mustn't blame him, son.
- Why not?

He has always been trying
to make us miserable

No son! He is your father

My father?

What are you saying, Ma?
What has come over you?

l'm not out of my mind, son.
What l'm saying is the truth

l could not bring myself
to tell you this until now

But if not today, once l'm gone
who else could tell you?

This can't be, Ma!
This can never be!

This is a long story.
But l don't have the time

Keep this. l'm leaving

He will surely recognise you
when you show him this

He has never forgiven me.
But he will surely forgive his son

l won't seek mercy from the one
who tortured my mother all her life...

the one who made her beg from door
to door. Ma, l won't have his mercy!

lf l could see him for once before
l died... But why would he come here

- l'm leaving Ma

l'll avenge you, l will
- No!

l'll surely avenge you, l will
- No, son!

The Judge is here to see you

Which Judge?
- The one whose car ran you over

So he has come... before l'm dead

Alas, l cannot see

Nurse, give him my greetings

l am ashamed about the accident.
Please forgive me

Forgive you...?

You didn't die! You were killed!

That heartless judge has killed you!
To make sure that he isn't exposed!

Have you decided the verdict
about the case?


Raj's case

You are going mad!
What are you doing to yourself?

You are a mature, educated woman

ln a few days, you'll start
going to court as a lawyer

You might even make a judge.
lf you get emotional over every case...

you will never be able to
dispense justice

This is not a lawsuit.
lt's my life!

Do you not understand as much?
- lrrespective, it won't alter the law

Nor should you let your emotions
come in the way of justice

Justice is all l seek.
Raj is completely innocent

He killed Jagga trying to save
his mother

You can read his mother's
dying declaration

ln this particular case,
Raj might merit pardon

But his whole life is a long story
of involvement with crime and sin

l cannot comprehend how you can
sympathise with such a person

How can you love him?

You have studied the law

But my heart has not read the laws


and the laws

The laws...

and the heart

What a strange concoction

But you are right

The heart heeds no laws

No laws at all

Not even mine

- Get out, Rita

l'm in a murderous rage!
- Have you gone mad?

So you have escaped?
- Yes

To settle the score with you

Then you will be happy to know
that your lawyer...

had just convinced me
about your innocence

l was inclined to let you off

l want no mercy from you

l don't want your justice,
your law, nothing!

All l want...

Lost your nerve?
You need guts to kill someone

You should be thanking the one
who has just saved your life

What if l were to use this very knife
to rip your heart out?

Judge Raghunath was compelled to kill
a criminal to save his own life

What else can the verdict
of the courts be?

Have you gone out of your mind too?
- l was. For a second

For the scum that he is,
the hangman's noose will be better

This is the story of
Raj's life and crimes

Now you know why and how
he took to crime

My Lord, the one who is guilty
is his father...

who drove an innocent woman from
his house, and denied his own son

He is the one who forced them
to go begging from door to door

And in the company of criminals,
he went astray

My Lord and members of the Jury...

if Raj is to be punished for his crime,
then his father should be punished too

My Lord, l would like to say something

Emotion has got the better
of the counsel for defence

ln her anxiety to save the accused,
the counsel has presented...

an interesting story,
however incongruous it might be...

to try and prove that
some criminal happens to be my son!

But l ask, what evidence
does the counsel have?

No evidence on earth will convince you
that Raj is your son...

not unless you are willing
to accept him as your son

lf there be proof, it lies deep
in your heart and in Raj's eyes

Look at him. The same eyes,
the same high brow

He even speaks like you speak.
He's just as adamant as you are

Are you still not willing
to accept him as your son?

Ms Rita, the law heeds no emotion

Nor my Lord, does the heart
heed any law

l have no more to say

lf the accused has anything to say
in his defence, he may proceed

Yes. At last, after being branded
a murderer, l hold your attention

Had l been heard earlier, perhaps
l would never have had to stand here

Ms Rita has tried her best
to save me from being hanged

And not only in this particular case;
in my personal life too

ln my defence, l wish to say nothing.
l am evil

l've been a vagabond ever since
l was a child

l'm a murderer, a criminal

You may punish me as you please.
But sin, crime, hatred and violence...

this vicious circle that holds
your society in a vice-grip...

do you think it can be broken
by hanging me?

l don't want to tell you
the story of my life

But all l want to say is, l did not
inherit crime from my parents

From that gutter full of filth
that flows beside my shanty...

l picked up crime. That gutter
is still flowing over

And the virus still breeds

And countless children who live
in those slums...

are falling prey to the virus
every day

Do not think of me. Those children
are the ones you must care for

You must care for your children

Lest come the day when...


and yours...

and yours...

and your son too stands
in these docks to reiterate...

that it's an honest father's blood
that flows in my veins

Time was when l was an innocent boy,
just like your sons

Like all mothers, my mother too
wove a golden dream for me

She would say, "My son will grow up
to become a lawyer"

"Then he will become a magistrate.
And then, a judge... like his father"

l know the verdict that this court
is about to give

And l'm willing to suffer any sentence.
For my sins, this is atonement

But l await the decision
from yet another quarter

l want to know Judge Raghunath,
what says your heart?

What says your heart?

Has the Judge come to see his convict?

A father...

who is guilty

Guilty? You?


Tomorrow, the law might
pronounce you guilty

But in the eyes of God,
l am the one who is guilty

Are you weeping?

Yes, for the father who found his son,
and yet he has lost him

For the husband who forced his wife
to become a widow

For society, where poverty
breeds crime

For the son who is orphaned
though his father is alive

For the child who goes through life
looking for someone...

who will call him "Son"


Raj, son of Judge Raghunath,
you have been proved guilty...

of trying to assassinate
your father, Judge Raghunath

But in the light of the strange and
unfortunate circumstances your life...

which your counsel Ms Rita
has presented...

you are sentenced to only three years
of rigorous imprisonment


You silly girl

Silly girls never cry

At this rate, how are you
going to practice?

What use is the practice, Raj?
l wasn't able to save you

No Rita, this penance
is very important for me

Only after l've been through this,
will l be worthy of you

With you beside me,
l can go through anything

l will become an honest man

Everyone will say l'm a good man

l will read, l will write

And just like Ma used to say,
first l'll become a lawyer...

then a magistrate

And then, a judge

Last night l saw a judge.
l liked him very much.

I'll become a judge.

You won't call me a savage anymore,
will you?

l will. You savage!

Time up

Come on

Keep this

lt's your gift

Don't worry. l didn't steal it

l just smuggled it in

Not your fault, Rita.
lt's just the way l look

Three years isn't too long, Raj.
l'll wait for you

l'll wait for you!
- Don't cry

Number 308... move it

I must go now. requires JavaScript.