Duration: 01:10:16; Aspect Ratio: 1.333:1; Hue: 76.375; Saturation: 0.091; Lightness: 0.293; Volume: 0.181; Cuts per Minute: 2.960
Summary: This contains interviews in Hindi and Gujarati held in the aftermath of the Gujarat carnage of 2002. Society for Promotion of Rationality (SPRAT), an NGO, was conducting interviews in its office with affected people in order to judge what kind of financial aid they would need. The people interviewed are mainly rickshaw drivers, their family, a vegetable seller and a motor spare parts dealer.
This footage is part of the Shared Footage collection. The Shared Footage Group was a collective formed in the aftermath of the carnage in Gujarat in 2002. It consisted of mainly film professionals and film students, apart from several others. The idea was to document survivor's stories on video so that the footage could be used later free of cost by anyone interested in the material.

sprat office, paldi
Shot on 16.05.02 10:30am
Type Details:
jowhar interviewing woman; sound not clear as no external mike

sprat office, paldi
Shot on 16.05.02
Type Details:
sound from here become s clear

sprat office, paldi
Shot on 16.05.02
Type Details:
int with 1st male , 35, rickshaw driver, talks about the riots & its impact

sprat office, paldi
Shot on 16.05.02
Type Details:
int with 2nd male , 35,--talks about the riots & its impact

sprat office, paldi
Shot on 16.05.02
Type Details:
int with #FN7, f, 50+, vegetable seller,

name and address

sprat office, paldi
Shot on 16.05.02
Type Details:
int with #MN7, m, 35, rickshaw driver

gives name and address

Type Details:
int with #MN8, m, 35, mechanic cabin owner & spare parts
Shot on 16.05.02
sprat office, paldi

iType Details:
interview with male, 30, (language gujarati)

gives name and address

Shot on 16.05.02
sprat office, paldi

gives name and address

Type Details:
interview with #FN8, f, 50

sprat office, paldi
Shot on 16.05.02

gives name and address

Type Details:
int again with #FN7, f, 50+, vegetable seller
Shot on 16.05.02
sprat office, paldi

gives name and address

Type Details:
interview with #FN9, f, 40

Shot on 16.05.02
sprat office, paldi
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