Radia Tapes: (20090529-144000) Radia with Poongothai Aladi Aruna
Duration: 00:04:12; Aspect Ratio: 1.250:1; Lightness: 0.078; Volume: 0.196; Cuts per Minute: 4.276; Words per Minute: 184.579
Summary: The conversation has Niira Radia explaining to Tamil Nadu Minister for Information Technology, DMK's Poongothai Aladi Aruna, why Kanimozhi has made a mistake by refusing the MoS portfolio and how she now must remain friends with Azhagiri. "She should have taken the MoS, but she had her own views. Kani must learn to look after herself. This is politics and it is very cut throat, nobody is your friend, nobody is your enemy. I don't know whether she feels that she's made a mistake and recognises it. Please, you must talk to her and tell her to be friend with Azarigiri. Trust me, it's very important for them to remains friends."
800 New Radia Tapes on OutlookIndia

(Phone rings)

Radia: Hello
PAA: Hello, is it Neera?

Radia: Yeah, hi, how are you?
PAA: I am fine. How are things?
Radia: I'm fine, I'm fine. I hear Stalin has become Deputy CM...

PAA: I know. What's happening? Only thing which caught my attention was your person, he keeps saying unless you have total belief in me it won't happen..
PAA: And he keeps hinting it will be only from September. I don't know whether you saw that..

Radia: Listen he kept on saying that and the thing is that Kani... he said that I can take the horse to the water.. I can't force it to drink it. Astrology should be what you can do and what you can't do right?

Niira: It says there's a path for you. Now it is for you to take that path. But she didn't take that path and I kept on telling her you should have taken the MoS. But maybe she had her own view which was... I think Kani must learn to look after herself first. She looks after everybody else first.

PAA: I think it's something we've all been telling her and she's been upset about that. Because I told her the same thing.. I told even before we came to Delhi.. I told her, for the first time in your life please look after yourself. Everybody can look after themselves; this is politics you know.

PAA: It's so cut-throat and nobody is your friend and nobody is your enemy.
Radia: Correct
PAA: What did she say?

Radia: No but now she told me... I think her view is... I don't know whether she has made a mistake and she recognizes she made a mistake. But maybe we all need to talk to her, no?
PAA: Yes maybe once we all will come to Delhi and we can all sit together and...
Radia: She is coming to Delhi from next week... she is in the Parliament..

PAA: No before it was easy when I was just an MLA, now every time I come to Delhi I have to get his permission. And my portfolio as well now.. being IT which is a bit like in the dumps.. I need to work on it.. I am planning to have a roadshow..

PAA: ...how is Sachin? He's ok?
Radia: He's good.

PAA: I thought I will write to Sachin and to my minister and see whether I can get the e-governance up and going.
Radia: Yeah. Very good. You should do that.

PAA: Yeah…because the only reason she agreed to see your friend is, I kept telling her you know.. that out of the blue he told me that something will happen and he didn't tell me what will happen.
Radia: He is my cousin brother by the way.

PAA: He said don't go - leave or anything by any chance, because you will come back with a bang he told me. And something happened, that I prepared in my head …you know…..and just held on to it and things did big turn around.
Niira: Yeah yeah.
PAA: So I was just bothered what he can do for her, you know, apart from..

Radia: Let her come to Delhi on Monday. Let me talk to her.
PAA: Hmm..

Radia: She is coming on Monday. You also talk to her, let me also talk to her. Let's wait till Monday.
PAA: I think I talk to her enough (chuckle).
Radia: I know. Let us just talk to her on Monday because she has indicated to me that she may have made a mistake. Let us just talk to her and see.. I still think there may be an opportunity, let's see.

PAA: Well I still feel...I don't think...from whatever I know of the CM from my experience, he will not forego Kani he will get her back in her own time..
Radia: No but I also believe that she should remain friends with Azhagiri and you must encourage her to do that. Because I don't think Azhagiri is going to be able to stay in Delhi long.

PAA: You think so?
Radia: I don't think he's got the make up to do that.

PAA: No, no you are underestimating him.
Niira: Think about it.
PAA: They are all cut-throat politicians

Radia: No I understand that. But he would want to be in Tamil Nadu, why would he want to be here?
PAA: He is already missing Madurai and he said he wants to go back. He wants to go back he was telling me.

Radia: I am telling you. Tell her to remain friends with him. Trust me.

PAA: When I come there
na one day, we will talk. I will be coming around the end of this week or early next week
Radia: Good I will be here.
(Tape ends)
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