Najib speech on reconciliation
Duration: 00:10:32; Aspect Ratio: 1.366:1; Lightness: 0.321; Volume: 0.129; Cuts per Minute: 7.018; Words per Minute: 90.193
Summary: Date (Afghan Calendar): 1371
Famous speech of Dr . Najeb about reconciliation
Footage Source: Afghan Films 35mm positive
Afghan Films
The president of Afghanistan, Mr. Najibullah's speech in the presence of representatives of peace-loving people of different districts of Kabul Province on 2nd Hoot 1367 (21st February 1989).
Mr. Najibullah, the President of Afghanistan and the General Secretary of the Central Committee for People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, met the representatives of peace-loving people of various districts of Kabul province on 2nd Hoot 1367 (21st February 1989) in Dilkusha palace and discussed the present condition of the country with them.
I turn to God from Satan (Quranic verse) and in the name of God, the benevolent, the merciful. Worshipping belongs to the God of the world and peace be upon His Prophet and his followers, and his friends all. And after that, peace and God's blessing be upon you all.
It is such a great pleasure for me to see myself, yet once again, amongst my dear and most respectable elders. It is good for us to sit together at this critical moment - of course, difficult, historical, but glorious and one determining the future of Afghanistan - to discuss current issues together, based on God's order and discuss the issues amongst yourselves.
It has been 10 years since Afghanistan has been burning amid fire, smoke, shots from machine guns and rockets, canons, airplane bombs, etc. Some have just started getting a taste of this bloodshed and they are willing to turn Afghanistan into a bloodbath. But you and I are the witnesses to this, as the people of Afghanistan float in a bloodbath.
They are burning in a hot oven (Tandor). I think a real son of this country and a real servant of one's own nation should not raise his voice saying irresponsibly that he would bathe Afghanistan with blood. On the contrary, we have to begin to save the people of Afghanistan from this bloodbath. We have to start trying to pull them out of this burning, hot oven (Tandor). This would be the biggest service we do for God's people and that would be stepping into the path of God and for his satisfaction.
And what have we done? God (whose glory is great) indicates in the highly exalted Quran, in fact, He orders that we keep peace and goodness - and He says:
It is an order, "Muslims are indeed brothers" and He orders, "Maintain peace amongst your brothers."
And if two tribes (clans of Muslims) kill each other and fight together you intervene and maintain peace.
There are more than 160 mentions of peace ordered by God in the Quran - great is its glory.
My respected friends, these verses are not exclusively sent for Najib. It has rather been sent for every Muslim.
Every one of us is answerable about this against His sublimated glory. An angel is sitting here and the other here (An angel is sitting on each of shoulder); one is recording our good deeds and the other the bad ones. On Judgment day, they weigh the records of our deeds.
That I (God) had ordered you and guided you about the path of God and the Islamic way. What have you done to implement those verses written in my exalted Quran? This is the question both old and young have to answer; both men and women are asked the same question. So are the people from cities and villages. But in some other corner, a voice rises - that they must fight to the bitter end. You need to truly consult me if we have to accept God's order or Gulbuddin's (Hekmatyar) words! God says peace and goodness while Gulbuddin says war to the bitter end. Till the last Afghan man standing we fight.
Now, tell me my respected elders, my dear uncles, I have requested you to come here to consult me in this speedy maner, to accept, as I have,
God's order.
Thank you. It has to be like this if we call ourselves real Muslims. And that was the reason we announced the policy of National Reconciliation and peace.
The people of Afghanistan stood against Alexander, the Macedonian, and broke his jaw; against the Mongolians, and the British! But I have to tell you this that during these periods of history, the people of Afghanistan were united; they acted in unison. Our misfortune today is that our enemies have divided our nation into pieces and every piece of it is in the hands of foreigners and outsiders. Thus, the question arising before any other is the question of national unity, to unite and bring together the people. In the exalted Quran, God (Great is his glory) says, "All of you hold on to the divine connection (thread) and do not divide."
The same is my second question to you - do we have to be united or not? And God has responded to that himself. Who is there, what hands do not allow us to come together and to be united together? And Afghans have to be fighting together, not killing each other and indulging in bloodshed and decadence. These are the enemies of Afghanistan (who are responsible for this.) This is Pakistan; Pakistan is not even ready for a minute to see a strong, free and independent Afghanistan right beside itself. The more Afghanistan is divided, in pieces and disintegrated, the more it would be to Pakistan's interest. And what is Pakistan itself. In one of my speeches, I mentioned it has been 41 years since its existence. And it has been born out of British colonialism. These are the British through Pakistan, who are taking revenge of our forefathers' bravery, magnanimity, sacrifices, and struggle for freedom and independence of the country. They fought with shovels, a gun, with sickle and stick till they managed to free Afghanistan. requires JavaScript.